Field Worker, Tokyo, Japan
6 days ago
スペシャルティ領域 MR
Site Name: Japan - Field Worker Posted Date: Oct 21 2024 職務の目的 スペシャルティ領域営業が取り扱うバイオ医薬品の専任MRとして、医師・薬剤師等の医療関係者に本製品の情報提供を行い、適正使用並びに薬物療法の向上に貢献する。 主な業務内容 スペシャルティ領域営業が取り扱うバイオ医薬品は、複数の適応症を有しており、その適応症に応じて専任的にMR活動を行います。担当製品は「既存治療によっても喘息症状をコントロールできない難治の気管支喘息」、「既存治療で効果不十分な好酸球性多発血管炎性肉芽腫症」の適応症をもち、現在は耳鼻科領域で「鼻茸を伴う慢性副鼻腔炎」追加適応に向けて承認申請を行っております。(GSK2023/9/1プレスリリースより)MRは本社から提供される「ポテンシャル施設ターゲットリスト」を参考にし、まずそれぞれの疾患の患者さんがその施設に存在しているかを確認し、その医師をターゲットとし、ヌーカラの情報提供を実施します。その上で適した患者さんに、医師の治療を通して製品を届け、患者さんの治療に貢献します。 必要な条件 Basic Qualification スキル Skill 新しい医師のもとを訪れる機会が多いため、コミュニケーション力、ネゴシエーション力をもつMRが望ましい。また疾患知識が必要な領域であるため、向学心のあるMRが望ましい。 経験 Experience 3年以上のMR現場経験 病院でのMR活動経験(特に耳鼻科領域での活動経験があると望ましい) 学位/資格/語学力 Education/certification/Language MR資格 普通自動車第一種免許 望ましい条件 Preferred Qualification 基幹病院ならびに大学病院での活動経験 バイオ医薬品の取り扱い経験 呼吸器内科、膠原病内科、アレルギー科、神経内科領域などでKOLマネジメントの経験 Why GSK? Uniting science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together. GSK is a global biopharma company with a special purpose – to unite science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together – so we can positively impact the health of billions of people and deliver stronger, more sustainable shareholder returns – as an organisation where people can thrive. We prevent and treat disease with vaccines, specialty and general medicines. We focus on the science of the immune system and the use of new platform and data technologies, investing in four core therapeutic areas (infectious diseases, HIV, respiratory/ immunology and oncology). Our success absolutely depends on our people. While getting ahead of disease together is about our ambition for patients and shareholders, it’s also about making GSK a place where people can thrive. We want GSK to be a place where people feel inspired, encouraged and challenged to be the best they can be. A place where they can be themselves – feeling welcome, valued, and included. Where they can keep growing and look after their wellbeing. So, if you share our ambition, join us at this exciting moment in our journey to get Ahead Together. Important notice to Employment businesses/ Agencies GSK does not accept referrals from employment businesses and/or employment agencies in respect of the vacancies posted on this site. All employment businesses/agencies are required to contact GSK's commercial and general procurement/human resources department to obtain prior written authorization before referring any candidates to GSK. The obtaining of prior written authorization is a condition precedent to any agreement (verbal or written) between the employment business/ agency and GSK. In the absence of such written authorization being obtained any actions undertaken by the employment business/agency shall be deemed to have been performed without the consent or contractual agreement of GSK. GSK shall therefore not be liable for any fees arising from such actions or any fees arising from any referrals by employment businesses/agencies in respect of the vacancies posted on this site.
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