Manila, Undisclosed, PH
6 days ago
チームマネージャー - 日本語 Team Manager - Japanese, SDS
Shipping & Delivery Support (SDS) is looking for a Japanese-speaking Team Manager to support our growth within Manila and help support for our growing transportation customer segments.

Shipping & Delivery Support(SDS)は、マニラ内での成長をサポートし、輸送顧客セグメントの拡大を支援する日本語を話せるチームマネージャーを探しています。

In this role, you will be managing a team of Japanese-speaking Customer Support Associates and be responsible for the overall performance and operational delivery of your team. This will require you to work with key support functions such as SDS leaders, Delivery Station Operations, Program Managers, Recruiting, and Human Resources to review performance trends and opportunities and take continual action to improve the service level and quality of performance. Experience with operational management and process improvement is preferred and you should be comfortable with making decisions in the midst of ambiguity. Developing positive working relationships with your team and collaborating across multiple teams will be important for success in this role.


Key job responsibilities
- Excellent ability to solve customer service issues and demonstrate passion for delivering a positive customer experience.
- Developing and achieving performance goals and objectives in order to achieve customer promise expectations ensuring accuracy and quality.
- Accountable for creating a high-performance team resulting in a world class customer experience.
- Manage and develop a team of Japanese-speaking associates supporting the Japan marketplace, this role may handle minimum of 15 associates to 20 or more. Responsible for the overall direction, co-ordination, motivation and evaluation of the team.
- Carry out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with Amazon policies and procedures.
- Regular review of team metrics to uncover associate opportunities and develop plans to improve team performance.
- Implement action plans to resolve performance barriers.
- The Manager must communicate policies to associates and become the primary information source for staff, following up to ensure compliance and consistency; taking corrective action as necessary and documenting the issue and actions taken.
- Understanding the use of Customer Service and Company systems and understanding and control of department functions and procedures.
- Development, analysis and improvement of new strategies and procedures. The Manager will have the ability to develop, plan and implement short- and long-range goals.
- Basic project development, management and implementation at the site and network level.

- 顧客サービスの問題を解決する優れた能力と、ポジティブな顧客体験を提供することへの情熱を示すこと。
- 顧客約束の期待に応えるため、精度と品質を確保しながら、パフォーマンス目標と目的を開発し、達成すること。
- 世界クラスの顧客体験を生み出す高パフォーマンスチームの作成に責任を持つこと。
- 日本市場を支援する日本語を話すアソシエイトのチームを管理および開発し、この役割では最低でも15人から20人以上のアソシエイトを担当する可能性があります。チームの全体的な指導、調整、動機付け、評価を担当すること。
- Amazonのポリシーと手順に従って管理責任を果たすこと。
- チームのメトリクスを定期的に見直し、アソシエイトの機会を見つけ出し、チームのパフォーマンスを改善する計画を立てること。
- パフォーマンスの障害を解消するためのアクションプランを実施すること。
- アソシエイトにポリシーを伝達し、スタッフの主要情報源となり、コンプライアンスと一貫性を確保するためのフォローアップを行い、必要に応じて是正措置を取り、問題と取られた行動を文書化すること。
- 顧客サービスおよび企業システムの使用理解と、部門の機能と手順の把握および管理。
- 新しい戦略と手順の開発、分析、改善。マネージャーは短期および長期の目標を開発、計画、実施する能力を持つ。
- 現場およびネットワークレベルでの基本的なプロジェクト開発、管理、実施

A day in the life
- Manage and mentor a team of Japanese-speaking associates supporting SDS customers.
- Collaborate with internal teams for achievement of goals and implementation of mechanisms and process improvements.


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