Polokwane, South Africa
477 days ago
INVITATION FOR NOMINATIONS OF BOARD MEMBERS ROADS AGENCY LIMPOPO LIMPOPO PROVINCE ROADS AGENCY PROPRIETARY LIMITED AND PROVINCIAL ROADS ACT, 1998(ACT NO 7 OF 1998) The Member of the Executive Council for the Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure , Ernest Sebataolo Rachoene , acting in terms of section 1 2 (3)( b ) and ( c ), hereby invites nominations for candidates to be appointed to the Board of Directors for the Road Agency Limpopo (RAL) . Candidates should be fit and proper persons, with integrity, honesty, good standing, operational ability and financial soundness. Candidates should have special qualifications, skills, expertise or experience in matters concerning provincial roads or the business or operations of the Agency. Nomination letters must be accompanied by the nominee’s Curriculum Vitae and a brief motivation support ing the nomination. A person, who, in terms of the Companies Act, 1973, is disqualified from being appointed as a Director of a company, will not be appointed as a member of the board. Nominations must be submitted on or before : Friday, 13 September 202 4 , to the Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure , Private Bag x 949 0 , POLOKWANE,0700 or e - mailed to TivaAW@dpw.limpopo.gov.za or by hand delivery to office 6 - 8 - 16 or 6 - 8 - 8, Works Towers Building , at 43 Church Streets, Polokwane, 0699. All nominations must be marked to the attention of Mr. A.W Tiva
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