Location: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
For the company Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o. we are looking for highly motivated and talented Aerospace Research Engineer to join our cutting-edge research team. As a member of Research Department, you will be focused on developing disruptive technologies on advanced topics related to aerodynamics, thrust dynamics, flow control and/or multi-disciplinary design optimization (MDO), ensuring that our future products and programs retain the company’s strategic advantage. The objective will be to pick up technologies at TRL3 and de-risk them up to TRL 6-7, by working on EU funded and internal projects. The knowledge, research efforts and developments will converge to TRL7 level demonstrators, patents, publications, or other quantifiable outcomes which will showcase Pipistrel's capacity for innovation.
What will your main scope be?
• Fostering and care-keeping knowledge related to aerodynamics, thrust dynamics, flow control and/or MDO.
• Active participation in EU-funded projects by executing tasks, attending project meetings, writing deliverables, etc.
• Establishing needs from the Engineering branch of Pipistrel, defining a strategic research agenda and proactively researching and deepening knowledge.
• Assisting on the writing of future project proposals on the topics related to aerodynamics, thrust dynamics, flow control or MDO, based on Engineering needs and the defined strategic research agenda.
• Facilitating flow of knowledge from EU projects to the Engineering branch of Pipistrel.
• Technology and partner scouting and linking to external institutes / research facilities.
• Identifying and assisting in establishing strategic partnerships with regards to supply chain and technology implementation.
• Disseminating knowledge through publications.
• Safeguarding knowledge by identifying relevant IP and initiating patent applications.
What do we expect from the candidate?
• MSc/PhD degree in aerospace/mechanical /energy engineering, physics or other relevant technical discipline.
• Fluent in both written and spoken English.
• Knowledge and/or experience in aerodynamics, thrust dynamics, flow control or MDO related to aviation industry or other industry where aerodynamics plays a significant role.
• Proactive, self-initiative and team-oriented candidate.
• Strong ability to think out of the box.
• Excellent problem solving, communication and collaboration skills.
What do we offer?
• Full-time employment, with an evaluation period.
• Flexible working hours.
• Dynamic teamwork in a young team that encourages the discussion of out-of-the-box innovative concepts on novel technologies.
• The chance to work on exciting projects that shape the future of aerospace technology.
• Working for a creative and ambitious international company.
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information and professional training resources from a highly experienced team, previously involved on several successful disruptive aircraft development and certification campaigns.
• Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Location: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
For the company Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o. we are looking for highly motivated and talented Aerospace Research Engineer to join our cutting-edge research team. As a member of Research Department, you will be focused on developing disruptive technologies on advanced topics related to aerodynamics, thrust dynamics, flow control and/or multi-disciplinary design optimization (MDO), ensuring that our future products and programs retain the company’s strategic advantage. The objective will be to pick up technologies at TRL3 and de-risk them up to TRL 6-7, by working on EU funded and internal projects. The knowledge, research efforts and developments will converge to TRL7 level demonstrators, patents, publications, or other quantifiable outcomes which will showcase Pipistrel's capacity for innovation.
What will your main scope be?
• Fostering and care-keeping knowledge related to aerodynamics, thrust dynamics, flow control and/or MDO.
• Active participation in EU-funded projects by executing tasks, attending project meetings, writing deliverables, etc.
• Establishing needs from the Engineering branch of Pipistrel, defining a strategic research agenda and proactively researching and deepening knowledge.
• Assisting on the writing of future project proposals on the topics related to aerodynamics, thrust dynamics, flow control or MDO, based on Engineering needs and the defined strategic research agenda.
• Facilitating flow of knowledge from EU projects to the Engineering branch of Pipistrel.
• Technology and partner scouting and linking to external institutes / research facilities.
• Identifying and assisting in establishing strategic partnerships with regards to supply chain and technology implementation.
• Disseminating knowledge through publications.
• Safeguarding knowledge by identifying relevant IP and initiating patent applications.
What do we expect from the candidate?
• MSc/PhD degree in aerospace/mechanical /energy engineering, physics or other relevant technical discipline.
• Fluent in both written and spoken English.
• Knowledge and/or experience in aerodynamics, thrust dynamics, flow control or MDO related to aviation industry or other industry where aerodynamics plays a significant role.
• Proactive, self-initiative and team-oriented candidate.
• Strong ability to think out of the box.
• Excellent problem solving, communication and collaboration skills.
What do we offer?
• Full-time employment, with an evaluation period.
• Flexible working hours.
• Dynamic teamwork in a young team that encourages the discussion of out-of-the-box innovative concepts on novel technologies.
• The chance to work on exciting projects that shape the future of aerospace technology.
• Working for a creative and ambitious international company.
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information and professional training resources from a highly experienced team, previously involved on several successful disruptive aircraft development and certification campaigns.
• Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Lokacija: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
Za podjetje Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o. iščemo visoko motiviranega in talentiranega Letalskega Razvojnega Inženirja/Inženirko, ki bo postal/postala del vrhunske razvojne ekipe. Kot član/članica raziskovalnega oddelka, boste proaktivno raziskovali in razvijali prebojne najnaprednejše tehnologije v zvezi z aerodinamiko, dinamiko potiska, nadzorom zračnega toka, in/ali multidisciplinarno optimizacijo dizajna, ki bodo zagotovile, da naši bodoči produkti in programi ohranijo strateško prednost našega podjetja. Delo bo potekalo na dolgoročnih EU in internih projektih, z vstopno stopnjo tehnološke razvitosti najmanj TLR3. Naš cilj je zmanjšati tveganje teh tehnologij in jih povesti do stopnje TLR6-7. Poznavanje, znanstveni dosežki, in razvoj omenjenih tehnologij, bodo omogočili prototipe s stopnjo tehnološke pripravljenosti TLR7, nove patente, objave in ostale kakovostne izdelke, ki bodo opozorili na Pipistrelovo zmogljivost za inovacije.
Kaj bo vaše glavno področje delovanja?
• Razvoj in vzdrževanje znanja v zvezi z aerodinamiko, dinamiko potiska, nadzor zračnega toka, in/ali multidisciplinarno optimizacijo dizajna.
• Aktivno sodelovanje v projektih, financiranih s strani EU, z izvajanjem nalog, udeležbo na projektnih sestankih, pisanjem rezultatov itd.
• Ugotavljanje potreb iz inženirske veje Pipistrela, definiranje strateške raziskovalne agende ter proaktivno raziskovanje in poglabljanje znanja.
• Pomoč pri pisanju projektnih predlogov za nove projekte, na temah v povezavi z aerodinamiko, dinamiko potiska, nadzoru zračnega toka,, in/ali multidisciplinarno optimizacijo dizajna.
• Omogočanje pretoka znanja iz EU projektov v inženirsko vejo Pipistrela.
• Tehnologija in partnersko iskanje ter povezovanje z zunanjimi inštituti/raziskovalnimi ustanovami.
• Identifikacija in pomoč pri vzpostavljanju strateških partnerstev v zvezi z dobavno verigo in implementacijo tehnologije.
• Širjenje znanja z objavami.
• Zaščita znanja z identifikacijo ustrezne intelektualne lastnine in prijavo patentov.
Kaj pričakujemo od kandidata/kandidatke?
• Magisterij/doktorat iz zračno-vesoljskega/strojnega/energetskega inženirstva, fizike ali druge ustrezne tehnične discipline.
• Tekoča pisna in govorjena angleščina.
• Znanje in izkušnje na področju aerodinamike, dinamike potiska, nadzora zračnega toka, in/ali multidisciplinarne optimizacije dizajna v letalski industriji, ali katerikoli drugi industriji, kjer ima aerodinamika pomembno vlogo.
• Proaktiven, samoiniciativen in timsko naravnan kandidat/kandidatka.
• Močna sposobnost razmišljanja izven okvirjev.
• Odlične veščine reševanja problemov, komunikacije in sodelovanja.
Kaj ponujamo?
• Zaposlitev za polni delovni čas, z ocenjevalnim obdobjem.
• Prilagodljiv delovni čas.
• Dinamično timsko delo v mladi ekipi, ki spodbuja razprave o inovativnih konceptih na novih tehnologijah.
• Priložnost za delo na vznemirljivih projektih, ki oblikujejo prihodnost letalske tehnologije.
• Delo v kreativnem in ambicioznem mednarodnem podjetju.
• Dostop do edinstvenega znanja, informacij o letalstvu in virov strokovnega usposabljanja iz zelo izkušene ekipe, ki je bila predhodno vključena v več uspešnih prelomnih razvojnih in certifikacijskih kampanj letal.
• Priložnosti za osebno in strokovno rast.