Shanghai, Shanghai, China
13 hours ago

Job Description:

1.    与客户进行深入沟通,准确把握客户对 AI 大模型的潜在需求和期望,为客户提供专业的技术咨询和建议。
2.    协助销售团队进行客户拜访,参与商务谈判,利用专业知识解答客户在技术和方案方面的疑问,增强客户对公司产品和服务的信心,推动项目顺利签约。
3.    深入了解客户在 AI 大模型应用方面的业务需求、痛点和目标,独立撰写专业、全面且具有针对性的解决方案,涵盖技术架构、应用场景、实施计划等内容,确保方案能够切实满足客户需求并解决实际问题。
4.    跟踪 AI 大模型技术的最新发展趋势,不断优化和更新方案,将前沿技术融入其中,使公司的解决方案始终保持行业领先地位。
5.    与研发团队紧密合作,将客户需求准确传达给研发人员,确保产品研发方向符合市场需求。同时,协助研发团队进行产品测试和验证,提供客户反馈和建议,推动产品的不断优化和升级。
6.    参与项目的实施过程,为项目团队提供技术支持和指导,解决项目实施过程中遇到的技术问题,确保项目按时、高质量交付。

Recruitment fraud is a scheme in which fictitious job opportunities are offered to job seekers typically through online services, such as false websites, or through unsolicited emails claiming to be from the company. These emails may request recipients to provide personal information or to make payments as part of their illegitimate recruiting process. DXC does not make offers of employment via social media networks and DXC never asks for any money or payments from applicants at any point in the recruitment process, nor ask a job seeker to purchase IT or other equipment on our behalf. More information on employment scams is available here.

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