4 days ago
Aircraft electrical and mechanical parts assembler/Monter letal, električnih in mehanskih delov (m/ž)\:\:\:\: Savogna d'Isonzo

Location: Savogna d’Isonzo, Pipistrel Italia s.r.l. con socio unico

Working in the final assembly of aircraft mechanical components and the final assembly of electrical systems and avionics are the main components that best define the job of an aircraft, electrical and mechanical assembler. You will be involved in the assembly process in production.

What will your main scope be?

• Final assembly of aircraft mechanical components in line production
• Final assembly of electrical systems and avionics in line production

What do we expect from the candidate?

• At least a Level IV technical or electrical qualification
• Knowledge of electrical and electromechanical systems, electronic boards, radio communication systems
• Ability to read and understand technical documentation (plans, drawings, etc.), manual skills and ability to design and manufacture parts
• Experience in the aeronautical field desirable
• Knowledge of the Slovene language, even at a basic level

What do we offer?

• Fixed-term employment with the possibility of extension and long-term cooperation.
• Dynamic and interesting teamwork.
• Work in a creative and ambitious international company.
• Access to unique aviation knowledge, information, expertise and resources for professional training.
• Possibility of personal and professional development.


Location: Savogna d’Isonzo, Pipistrel Italia s.r.l. con socio unico

Working in the final assembly of aircraft mechanical components and the final assembly of electrical systems and avionics are the main components that best define the job of an aircraft, electrical and mechanical assembler. You will be involved in the assembly process in production.

What will your main scope be?

• Final assembly of aircraft mechanical components in line production
• Final assembly of electrical systems and avionics in line production

What do we expect from the candidate?

• At least a Level IV technical or electrical qualification
• Knowledge of electrical and electromechanical systems, electronic boards, radio communication systems
• Ability to read and understand technical documentation (plans, drawings, etc.), manual skills and ability to design and manufacture parts
• Experience in the aeronautical field desirable
• Knowledge of the Slovene language, even at a basic level

What do we offer?

• Fixed-term employment with the possibility of extension and long-term cooperation.
• Dynamic and interesting teamwork.
• Work in a creative and ambitious international company.
• Access to unique aviation knowledge, information, expertise and resources for professional training.
• Possibility of personal and professional development.


Lokacija: Savogna d'Isonzo, Pipistrel Italia s.r.l. con socio unico

Delo v končni sestavi mehanskih sestavnih delov letala in končna sestava električnih sistemov in avionike so glavne komponente, ki najbolje opredeljuje delo monterja letal, električnih in mehanskih delov (m/ž). Vključeni boste v proces montaže v proizvodnji.

Kaj bo vaše glavno področje delovanja?

• Končna sestava mehanskih sestavnih delov letala v linijski proizvodnji
• Končna sestava električnih sistemov in avionike v linijski proizvodnji

Kaj pričakujemo od kandidata/kandidatke?

• Najmanj IV. stopnja izobrazbe tehnične ali elektro smeri
• Poznavanje električnih in elektromehanskih sistemov, elektronskih plošč, radijskih komunikacijskih sistemov
• Sposobnost branja in razumevanja tehnične dokumentacije (načrtov, risb itd.), ročne spretnosti in sposobnosti za načrtovanje in izdelavo delov
• Zaželene so izkušnje iz letalskega področja
• Zaželeno je znanje slovenskega jezika, tudi na osnovni ravni

Kaj ponujamo?

• Zaposlitev za določen čas z možnostjo podaljšanja in dolgoročnega sodelovanja.
• Dinamično in zanimivo timsko delo.
• Delo v kreativnem in ambiciozno naravnanem mednarodnem podjetju.
• Dostop do edinstvenega znanja, informacij na področju letalstva, stroke ter sredstva za strokovno usposabljanje.
• Možnost osebnega in strokovnega razvoja.

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