Company/Location: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
Airworthiness and Certification Engineer
Job description
As an Airworthiness and Certification Engineer, you will be responsible for supporting our team of design engineers.
The airworthiness team is a vital contributor to realize our vision, serving as a crucial intermediary interface between Pipistrel and the relevant aviation authorities responsible for ensuring the safety and certification of our products. In addition to actively influencing the regulatory landscape that governs the certification of Pipistrel products, you will support our in-house design teams. Your contribution will play a crucial role in ensuring that our aircraft adhere to the relevant certification standards and regulatory requirements.
What will your main scope be?
• Preparation of compliance and certification documentation, including the Certification Program (including LOI), Master Document List, Master Drawing List, Compliance Checklist, Means of Compliance, and more.
• Initiating and leading the type investigation process, collaborating closely with compliance verification engineers and relevant authorities for the seamless execution of type investigation and compliance demonstration activities
• Ensuring the continued airworthiness of EASA-certified aircraft by preparing and coordinating changes to type design data (minor change, major hhange, design deviations, repairs, etc.).
• Coordinating and conducting meetings on airworthiness and certification topics with National Aviation Authorities and the EASA
• Supporting the occurrence team in conducting investigations, implementing corrective actions, and engaging with relevant authorities (NAA, EASA)
• Assisting the technical publication team in preparing documentation related to continued airworthiness, such as Service Bulletins (SB), Aircraft Flight Manuals (AFM), Aircraft Maintenance Manuals (AMM), and others.
• Establishing and consistently maintaining internal procedures within the Design Organisation Handbook to ensure adherence to industry standards and applicable regulations.
• Undertaking various other airworthiness-related activities
What do we expect from the candidate?
• Bachelor’s degree in aviation, aeronautical engineering or related field
• Understanding of the relevant international and national level regulations and standards (EASA Part-21, CS-LSA, CS-23, ASTM, UK-BCAR..)
• Previous involvement in EASA Type Certification Processes is an asset
• Experience as Airworthiness Engineer is an asset
• Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams and stakeholders.
• Keen attention to detail to ensure accurate documentation and reporting
• Organizational and time-management skills
• Technical problem-solving skills
• Excellent Spoken and written communication skills (good level of written English is essential)
What do we offer?
• Full time employment with an evaluation period.
• Work in a creative and ambitious company.
• Dynamic teamwork in a young team that encourages the discussion of out-of-the-box innovative concepts on novel projects.
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information and professional training resources from a highly experienced team, previously involved on several successful disruptive aircraft development and certification campaigns.
• A great team of colleagues and the opportunity to work in an international environment.
• Funding for professional training (internal and external).
• Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Company/Location: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
Airworthiness and Certification Engineer
Job description
As an Airworthiness and Certification Engineer, you will be responsible for supporting our team of design engineers.
The airworthiness team is a vital contributor to realize our vision, serving as a crucial intermediary interface between Pipistrel and the relevant aviation authorities responsible for ensuring the safety and certification of our products. In addition to actively influencing the regulatory landscape that governs the certification of Pipistrel products, you will support our in-house design teams. Your contribution will play a crucial role in ensuring that our aircraft adhere to the relevant certification standards and regulatory requirements.
What will your main scope be?
• Preparation of compliance and certification documentation, including the Certification Program (including LOI), Master Document List, Master Drawing List, Compliance Checklist, Means of Compliance, and more.
• Initiating and leading the type investigation process, collaborating closely with compliance verification engineers and relevant authorities for the seamless execution of type investigation and compliance demonstration activities
• Ensuring the continued airworthiness of EASA-certified aircraft by preparing and coordinating changes to type design data (minor change, major hhange, design deviations, repairs, etc.).
• Coordinating and conducting meetings on airworthiness and certification topics with National Aviation Authorities and the EASA
• Supporting the occurrence team in conducting investigations, implementing corrective actions, and engaging with relevant authorities (NAA, EASA)
• Assisting the technical publication team in preparing documentation related to continued airworthiness, such as Service Bulletins (SB), Aircraft Flight Manuals (AFM), Aircraft Maintenance Manuals (AMM), and others.
• Establishing and consistently maintaining internal procedures within the Design Organisation Handbook to ensure adherence to industry standards and applicable regulations.
• Undertaking various other airworthiness-related activities
What do we expect from the candidate?
• Bachelor’s degree in aviation, aeronautical engineering or related field
• Understanding of the relevant international and national level regulations and standards (EASA Part-21, CS-LSA, CS-23, ASTM, UK-BCAR..)
• Previous involvement in EASA Type Certification Processes is an asset
• Experience as Airworthiness Engineer is an asset
• Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams and stakeholders.
• Keen attention to detail to ensure accurate documentation and reporting
• Organizational and time-management skills
• Technical problem-solving skills
• Excellent Spoken and written communication skills (good level of written English is essential)
What do we offer?
• Full time employment with an evaluation period.
• Work in a creative and ambitious company.
• Dynamic teamwork in a young team that encourages the discussion of out-of-the-box innovative concepts on novel projects.
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information and professional training resources from a highly experienced team, previously involved on several successful disruptive aircraft development and certification campaigns.
• A great team of colleagues and the opportunity to work in an international environment.
• Funding for professional training (internal and external).
• Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Podjetje/Lokacija: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
Inženir-inženirka za plovnost in certifikacijo
O delovnem mestu
Kot inženir za plovnost in certificiranje boste odgovorni za podporo naši ekipi inženirjev načrtovanja.
Ekipa za ugotavljanje plovnosti pomembno prispeva k uresničevanju naše vizije, saj je ključni vmesnik med Pipistrelom in ustreznimi letalskimi organi, odgovornimi za zagotavljanje varnosti in certificiranje naših izdelkov. Poleg aktivnega vplivanja na regulativno okolje, ki ureja certificiranje Pipistrelovih izdelkov, boste podpirali tudi naše notranje oblikovalske ekipe. Vaš prispevek bo imel ključno vlogo pri zagotavljanju skladnosti naših zrakoplovov z ustreznimi certifikacijskimi standardi in regulativnimi zahtevami.
Kaj bo vaše glavno področje delovanja?
• Priprava dokumentacije o skladnosti in certificiranju, vključno s programom certificiranja (vključno z LOI), glavnim seznamom dokumentov, glavnim seznamom risb, kontrolnim seznamom skladnosti, načini zagotavljanja skladnosti in drugo.
• Začetek in vodenje postopka preiskave tipa, tesno sodelovanje z inženirji za preverjanje skladnosti in ustreznimi organi za nemoteno izvajanje dejavnosti preiskave tipa in dokazovanja skladnosti
• Zagotavljanje stalne plovnosti zrakoplovov, certificiranih s strani EASA, s pripravo in usklajevanjem sprememb podatkov o načrtu tipa (manjše spremembe, večje spremembe, odstopanja od načrta, popravila itd.)
• usklajevanje in vodenje sestankov o plovnosti in certificiranju z nacionalnimi letalskimi organi in agencijo EASA
• podpiranje skupine za nastanek dogodkov pri izvajanju preiskav, izvajanju korektivnih ukrepov in sodelovanju z ustreznimi organi (nacionalna agencija za letalstvo, EASA).
• pomoč ekipi za tehnične publikacije pri pripravi dokumentacije, povezane s stalno plovnostjo, kot so servisni bilteni (SB), letalski priročniki (AFM), priročniki za vzdrževanje zrakoplovov (AMM) in drugi
• Vzpostavitev in dosledno vzdrževanje notranjih postopkov v okviru priročnika projektne organizacije za zagotavljanje skladnosti z industrijskimi standardi in veljavnimi predpisi
• izvajanje različnih drugih dejavnosti, povezanih z plovnostjo
Kaj pričakujemo od kandidata/kandidatke?
• Dodiplomska izobrazba s področja letalstva, letalskega inženirstva ali sorodnega področja.
• razumevanje ustreznih mednarodnih in nacionalnih predpisov in standardov (EASA Part-21, CS-LSA, CS-23, ASTM, UK-BCAR ...)
• Predhodno sodelovanje v postopkih certificiranja tipa EASA je prednost
• Izkušnje kot inženir za plovnost so prednost
• sposobnost sodelovanja z večfunkcijskimi skupinami in zainteresiranimi stranmi.
• Pozornost do podrobnosti za zagotavljanje natančne dokumentacije in poročanja
• Organizacijske sposobnosti in sposobnost upravljanja s časom
• sposobnost reševanja tehničnih problemov
• Odlične govorne in pisne komunikacijske spretnosti (dobra raven pisne angleščine je bistvena)
Kaj ponujamo?
• Zaposlitev za polni delovni čas z ocenjevalnim obdobjem.
• Delo v kreativnem in ambiciozno naravnanem podjetju.
• Dinamično skupinsko delo v mladi ekipi, ki spodbuja razpravo o inovativnih konceptih za nove projekte.
• Dostop do edinstvenega znanja, letalskih informacij in strokovnih virov za usposabljanje iz zelo izkušene ekipe, ki je pred tem sodelovala pri več uspešnih kampanjah za razvoj in certificiranje disruptivnih zrakoplovov.
• Odlična ekipa kolegov in priložnost za delo v mednarodnem okolju.
• Sredstva za strokovno usposabljanje (interna in eksterna).
• Možnost osebnega in strokovnega razvoja.