Ota, JP
84 days ago
Area Manager, AMXL
AMXL JP is looking for an Area Manager to oversee the UTR (Under the Roof) and OTR (On the Road) operations for the new B2B delivery network serving Amazon Business customers.

At Amazon, we manage a vast array of products stored at fulfillment centers, which are delivered to customers via sort centers (SC) and delivery stations (DS) across the country.

This role is part of the Amazon Logistics Extra Large Team (AMXL), which is developing a B2B delivery network utilizing AMXL delivery network and Amazon's technology.

As an Area Manager, your responsibilities will encompass both UTR and OTR operations, including planning and managing the sorting process, truck line schedules, shipping plans, and delivery routes to ensure efficient and seamless delivery of a large volume of products. Your daily tasks will involve managing warehouse operations, overseeing delivery processes, and driving continuous operational improvements.


AMXL JPでは、Amazon Businessのお客様向けの新しいB2B配送ネットワークのUTR (Under the Roof)およびOTR (On the Road) の運営を担当するエリアマネージャーを募集しています。


本ポジションは、Amazon Logistics Extra Large Team (AMXL) の一員として、AMXLの配送ネットワークとAmazonのテクノロジーを活用したB2B配送ネットワークの構築に携わります。


【More Information】

Amazon は多様かつインクルーシブな職場づくりを目指しています。Amazonは男女雇用機会均等法を順守しています。人種、 出身国、性別、性的指向、障がい、年齢、その他の属性によって差別することなく、平等に採用選考の機会を提供しています。障がいをお持ちの方は、以下をご覧ください。 https://www.amazon.jobs/disability/jp

*オペレーション部門 DEIの取り組み

Key job responsibilities
This is a high-responsibility position that not only leads sorting and shipping operations for incoming products and planning delivery routes, but also manages multiple direct subordinates and oversees a large number of staff per shift.

As a team leader, you will lead your subordinates, collaborate with various related departments to ensure smooth operations, and work on solving issues. This position offers the rewarding opportunity to fully utilize not only your process management skills but also your people management abilities.

Specific Job Responsibilities:

■ Sorting Management
- Sort incoming products from across the country for delivery to DS (delivery stations) nationwide, dispatching them via trunk lines to various stations.

■ Delivery Management
- Plan the sorting, shipping operations, and delivery routes for incoming products.
- Create plans for which items to sort, when, how many staff members are required, and the order in which items will be delivered to various regions.
- Overall work and staffing plans will be created by the Senior Area Manager, but you will coordinate closely to ensure smooth progress in sorting, delivery, and other operations.

■ Shift, Attendance, and Task Management
- Manage the staff responsible for sorting, shipping, and delivery operations (a team of dozens of employees).
- Organize shifts according to logistics volume and monitor the progress of operations.
- Collaborate with assistant staff (3-4 people) responsible for shift adjustments, ensuring they are aware of the situation and providing directions.
- Use internal systems for managing operations.

■ Operational Improvement
- Take initiatives to enhance safety, quality, productivity, and operational efficiency.
- Identify issues in workflows, work environments, or task processes, and propose and implement improvement plans.
- Regularly participate in operational improvement meetings with the Station Manager and actively contribute ideas.




- 入荷した全国の商品を全国のDS向けに仕分けし、幹線にて全国各地のステーションにディスパッチ。

- 入荷した商品の仕分け・出荷作業および配送ルートの計画を立案。
- どのアイテムを、いつ、何人で仕分けするか、どの地域に、どのような順番で配送するかなどをプランニング。
- 全体の作業・人員計画はシニアエリアマネージャーが行ないますが、連携をしっかり取り、仕分けや配送などが滞りなく進む計画を立てる。

- 仕分けや出荷、配送などを担うスタッフの管理業務。(人員は数十名)
- 物流量に合わせてシフトを組むほか、業務がスムーズに進捗しているかなどを管理。
- シフト調整を担当するアシスタントスタッフ(3~4名)と連携し、状況把握や指示出。
- 業務管理は社内システムで行います。

- 安全・品質・生産性向上や業務効率化などを実現するための業務。
- 業務フローや業務環境、作業内容などにおける問題を見つけ、改善案やその実施計画を立案。
- ステーションマネージャーとは定期的に業務改善のミーティングをするため、積極的に意見を出す。

A day in the life
※Working hours:
2-shift shift system including night shift.
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