6 days ago
ASP.Net Programmer
Job Seekers, Please send resumes to


·      Position Description

·      MGCB needs additional developers to assist in construction (coding), testing, debugging, implementation and maintenance for the following areas: • Millionaire Party Information Repository

·      Case Management

·      Maintenance for existing MGCB systems

·      Programmer - Analyst Plans, develops, tests, and documents computer programs, applying knowledge of programming techniques and computer systems:

·      Evaluates user request for new or modified program, such as for financial or human resource management system, clinical research trial results, statistical study of traffic patterns, or analyzing and developing specifications for bridge design, to determine feasibility, cost and time required, compatibility with current system, and computer capabilities.

·      Consults with user to identify current operating procedures and clarify program objectives. Reads manuals, periodicals, and technical reports to learn ways to develop programs that meet user requirements.

·      Formulates plan outlining steps required to develop program, using structured analysis and design.

·      Submits plans to user for approval.

·      Prepares flowcharts and diagrams to illustrate sequence of steps program must follow and to describe logical operations involved.

·      Designs computer terminal screen displays to accomplish goals of user request.

·      Converts project specifications, using flowcharts and diagrams, into sequence of detailed instructions and logical steps for coding into language processable by computer, applying knowledge of computer programming techniques and computer languages.

·      Enters program codes into computer system.

·      Enters commands into computer to run and test program.

·      Reads computer printouts or observes display screen to detect syntax or logic errors during program test, or uses diagnostic software to detect errors.

·      Replaces, deletes, or modifies codes to correct errors.

·      Analyzes, reviews, and alters program to increase operating efficiency or adapt to new requirements.

·      Writes documentation to describe program development, logic, coding, and corrections.

·      Writes manual for users to describe installation and operating procedures. Assists users to solve operating problems.

·      Recreates steps taken by user to locate source of problem and rewrites program to correct errors.

·      May use computer-aided software tools, such as flowchart design and code generation, in each stage of system development.

·      May train users to use program.

·      May oversee installation of hardware and software.

·      May provide technical assistance to program users.

·      May install and test program at user site.

·      May monitor performance of program after implementation.

·      May specialize in developing programs for business or technical applications.

·      Programmer-Analyst capabilities with 1-7 years of experience, relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals, performs a variety of complicated tasks, may lead and direct the work of others, may report directly to a project lead or manager, a wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected.

·      Programmer – Analyst Senior Programmer-Analyst capabilities with 8 or more years of experience, relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals, performs a variety of complicated tasks, may lead and direct the work of others, may report directly to a project lead or manager, a wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected.

·      Programmer Converts data from project specifications and statements of problems and procedures to create or modify computer programs: Prepares, or receives from systems analyst detailed workflow chart and diagram to illustrate sequence of steps that program must follow and to describe input, output, and logical operations involved.

·      Analyzes workflow chart and diagram, applying knowledge of computer capabilities, subject matter, and symbolic logic.

·      Confers with supervisor and representatives of departments concerned with program to resolve questions of program intent, data input, output requirements, and inclusion of internal checks and controls.

·      Converts detailed logical flow chart to language processable by computer.

·      Enters program codes into computer system.

·      Inputs test data into computer.

·      Observes computer monitor screen to interpret program operating codes.

·      Corrects program errors, using methods such as modifying program or altering sequence of program steps.

·      Writes instructions to guide operating personnel during production runs.

·      Analyzes, reviews, and rewrites programs to increase operating efficiency or to adapt program to new requirements.

·      Compiles and writes documentation of program development and subsequent revisions. May train workers to use program.

·      May assist computer operator to resolve problems in running computer program.

·      May work with systems analyst to obtain and analyze project specifications and flow charts.

·      May direct and coordinate work of others to write, test, and modify computer programs.

·      Programmer capabilities with 1-7 years of experience, relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals, performs a variety of complicated tasks, may lead and direct the work of others, may report directly to a project lead or manager, a wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected.

·      Programmer Senior Programmer capabilities with 8 or more years of experience, relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals, performs a variety of complicated tasks, may lead and direct the work of others, may report directly to a project lead or manager, a wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected.

·      Application/Software Engineer Designs, modifies, develops, writes and implements software programming applications.

·      Supports and/or installs software applications/operating systems. Participates in the testing process through test review and analysis, test witnessing and certification of software.

·      Software Engineer capabilities with 1-7 years of experience, relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals, performs a variety of complicated tasks, may lead and direct the work of others, may report directly to a project lead or manager, a wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected.

·      Application/Software Engineer Senior Software Engineer capabilities with 8 or more years of experience, relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals, performs a variety of complicated tasks, may lead and direct the work of others, may report directly to a project lead or manager, a wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected.

·      Description of the requested work, including deliverables and knowledge transfer • Overall management of the project • Initiation and planning • SEM process updates • Requirements definition • Functional design • System design • Code development • System test • User test • Regression testing • Performance testing • Deployment • System documentation • Knowledge transfer





Min Requirement/Field of Study
















Oracle Database






Responsibilities Rel






VB 6.0












SQL Server






Associate Degree

20 + credit Hours


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