Paramount Animation is the animated film division of Paramount Pictures. Building on Paramount's 100-year history of iconic filmmaking, Paramount Animation brings visionary artists and storytellers together to form a world-class animation studio.
We are currently looking for an assistant to a director on a high profile animated theatrical feature.
Candidates must be local and/or able to work on site at our offices based in Los Angeles, CA.
We are looking for a highly organized professional who is a team player with creative resourcefulness, attention to detail and interpersonal and communication skills with good judgement and confidentiality, who will support the Director’s needs through the duration of the project.
This role is highly integrated to the production department and in addition to assisting the director, will also be working closely with the production staff.
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Organizing and managing the director & productions calendar, including scheduling meetings, appointments and travel arrangements as well as maintaining production documents. Proactively identify and resolve conflicting priorities or meetings with guidance from production management. Coordinating meetings with external vendor(s) and studio’s partner production company. Serving as a Liaison between the director and other departments and facilitating communication. Must be able to communicate with high level studio and production executives professionally and efficiently across the board. Planning and executing various events for production and additional production tasks as needed. Gathering resources and preparing materials for presentations and pitches. Answering phone calls, maintaining contact lists and handling expense reports, tracking invoices, shipments, and purchases.
Hiring Salary Range:
Minimum: $1000/45hr week ($21.06/hour)
Maximim: $1250/45hr week ($26.32/hour)
*Weekly rates are guaranteed and include one hour of OT at time and a half into each day.
The hiring salary range for this position applies to New York City, California, Colorado, Washington state, and most other geographies. Starting pay for the successful applicant depends on a variety of job-related factors, including but not limited to geographic location, market demands, experience, training, and education.