Detroit, MI, USA
1373 days ago
Backend Go Engineer
An engineer at Benzinga is someone who thinks deeply about systems and how they behave in the wild Whether it be networking or the Linux kernel point free programming or even a specific interest in scaling algorithms or distributed systems You are a systems engineer who aims to code themselves out of a job by automating all the things learning to leverage great development practices like Test Driven Development or continuous integration to start with You love solving challenging problems and you love your code being ripped to shreds during code reviewsLike all engineers at Benzinga we expect you to have a strong hand in the development of our applications and services as well as involvement in designing the architecture those applications live on Your true effect at Benzinga is the creation of amazing products that our users come to know and loveYou are the right person for this position if you are someone who Has a strong ability to write idiomatic Go Golang ie not Java written with Go syntax Has a strong ability in creating and maintaining a modern container centric architecture Has managed a large Kubernetes cluster bonus points for experience with Istio with many interacting services to fuel multiple firehose APIs Has spent considerable time with Docker or rkt Understands RESTful frameworks and where their place is in API development Is familiar with emerging strategies like GraphQL but hesitant to overcomplicate an API just for the sake of a coolnew technology when the oldestablished one works just fine Has a desire to work with Google Cloud Platform GCP services like Spanner Cloud SQL Cloud PubSub BigTable BigQuery App Engine Firebase Firestore Cloud Armor Stackdriver Apigee Dataprep and Datalab Has knowledge of modern billing APIs like Stripe Recurly and Authorizenet Has a strong interest in functional programming and concurrency models Has an interest in Erlang Elixir Haskell Elm ReasonML Rust aka Rustlang Clojure If concepts like ownership immutability transducers currying or lambdas are familiar to you you should probably just stop reading now and apply Just sayin Can manage CICD pipelines coordinating builds with the GitLab CI and Helm Understands the importance of SLI Service Level Indicators in running a successful API business that consumers can depend on Has used with Prometheus Grafana Stackdriver or OpenCensus for monitoring perhaps also Nagios Splunk or Logentries Can handle a business where speed is everything after all were talking about stock market data here Has familiarity with strategies for over the wire compression including LZ gRPC MessagePack ProtoBuf Protocol Buffers Has worked with or is tangentially aware of what Elasticsearch Memcached or Redis we use the pubsub abilities of Redis quite extensively Cares about security of our users data and privacy and is proactive in identifying and reducing security risks before they are realized on production Has familiarity with Kubernetes Secrets and ConfigMaps and Hashicorp Vault Understands the value of gvisor Understands the value of infrastructure as code Has familiarity with Terraform Vagrant Packer and perhaps cloud provider tooling like Cloud Formation on AWS or Cloud Deployment Manager on GCP Loves Postgres PostgreSQL but also is dangerous with MySQL Has familiarity with Mongo MongoDB or CouchDB or PouchDB but understands the value of column oriented databases like BigTable Hbase and Cassandra Any experience with CockroachDB Is up to speed with message queuing concepts and has worked with a service like RabbitMQ ZMQ ZeroMQ SQS Cloud PubSub or Kafka Is aware of AMPQ and how TCP works in general Has worked with common rd party services like Trello JIRA AWS Heroku Digital Ocean Nginx Apache Ubuntu CentOS ContainerOS Perhaps has experience with the Hadoop ecosystem including any of Spark Scoop Zookeeper HDFS Yarn Mapreduce Drill Hive Hbase or Pig
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