Demonstrates manual dexterity, hearing acuity, and verbal ability.Displays ability for standinglongperiodsoftime,walking,lifting,bending,andstoopingforthemajorityof the workday.Has efficient endurance to perform surgical tech tasks over long periods of time.
Position involvesexposuretoblood/bodyfluids,hazardousmaterialsandcommunicablediseases. Participates in creating a safety culture by optimizing safety at all times.
Abletodealwithfrustrationandstressappropriately.Abletocommunicatefacilitate effectively and professionally with other staff, physicians and RN Shift Supervisor.Able to work weekends, holidays, and shift rotations as needed.Considered critical servicesduringinclementweatheranddisasters.Availableforcallrotationas needed.
ResponsibilitiesCommunicates effectively with a wide range of age groups, ethic, educational, and socioeconomic backgrounds.Displays effective organizational skills, with ability to accuratelyandquicklyprioritize.
Maintains clinical and professional competency levels required of age-specific populations, to include all aspects of surgical technology in the perioperative care process.
**This position would be a fill for the Ortho service line, so experience scrubbing Ortho total joints is a high preference!
CurrentAST Certification
AtleasttwoyearsORexperiencepreferred, Preference of Orthopedics Total Joint experience!
BCLS certified