3 days ago
Cofrentes Simulator Operation Engineer



We are looking for a BWR Operation Engineer to reinforce the maintenance and the modernization of Cofrentes full-scope simulator, that is used for the training of operators. Training equivalent to a control room operator in BWR technology is required. Previous experience in training or simulation areas will be valued. The work center is Cofrentes site, with the possibility of working remotely when there is no need to test in the simulator. Candidates who are already established in the area will be positively valued.



Duties and Responsibilities:

Specification of the configuration updates to be made to the simulator, derived from operational discrepancies, reported by instructors, or from real changes in the reference plant. Execution of the acceptance tests of the changes implemented in the simulator according to the established methodology and procedures. Running the test program to maintain simulator certification. Rigorously documenting test and validation results with high quality standards. Participate in the different modernization projects of the simulator, because of high-impact plant design modifications. Participate in simulation-assisted engineering projects. Participate in the validation of changes in the operation manuals. Support in audits and inspections to the simulator Support to the Cofrentes training school in the preparation of training scenarios, initial conditions and cause and effect book.


Education and Qualifications / Skills and Competencies

Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Engineering or related field. Minimum 2 years of experience with BWR plant operations. Strong communication skills (oral and written). Fluency in English & Spanish is required.
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