Location: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
As a Composite Technician in the Prototyping Department, you will play a crucial role in the production of composite parts, assembly of mechanical components, painting, and design and construction.
What will your main scope be?
• Manufacturing composite parts in accordance with internal procedures and instructions and combining composite and metal parts.
• Assembling basic mechanical parts and implementing different parts in the aircraft.
• Painting composite parts, molds, and advanced lamination, as well as assembling complex mechanical parts.
• Collaborating with the RD department and other teams.
What do we expect from the candidate?
• A degree in a technical field.
• Knowledge of mechanical assembly is desirable.
• Familiarity with composite materials and processes.
• Ability to read and understand technical documentation (plans, technical instructions, etc.).
• Hands-on skills, with the ability to design and manufacture parts and work preparations.
• Experience with Microsoft Office.
• Passive knowledge of English.
What do we offer?
• Long-term involvement in the company.
• Flexible working time.
• Dynamic and interesting teamwork in a young team.
• Work in a creative and ambitious international company.
• Access to unique knowledge and information in the field of aviation, as well as resources for professional training.
• Opportunities for personal and professional development.
Location: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
As a Composite Technician in the Prototyping Department, you will play a crucial role in the production of composite parts, assembly of mechanical components, painting, and design and construction.
What will your main scope be?
• Manufacturing composite parts in accordance with internal procedures and instructions and combining composite and metal parts.
• Assembling basic mechanical parts and implementing different parts in the aircraft.
• Painting composite parts, molds, and advanced lamination, as well as assembling complex mechanical parts.
• Collaborating with the RD department and other teams.
What do we expect from the candidate?
• A degree in a technical field.
• Knowledge of mechanical assembly is desirable.
• Familiarity with composite materials and processes.
• Ability to read and understand technical documentation (plans, technical instructions, etc.).
• Hands-on skills, with the ability to design and manufacture parts and work preparations.
• Experience with Microsoft Office.
• Passive knowledge of English.
What do we offer?
• Long-term involvement in the company.
• Flexible working time.
• Dynamic and interesting teamwork in a young team.
• Work in a creative and ambitious international company.
• Access to unique knowledge and information in the field of aviation, as well as resources for professional training.
• Opportunities for personal and professional development.
Lokacija: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
Kot kompozitni tehnik v prototipirnici (m/ž) boste igrali ključno vlogo pri izdelavi kompozitnih delov, sestavi mehanskih komponent, barvanju ter načrtovanju in konstruiranju.
Kaj bo vaše glavno področje delovanja?
• Izdelava kompozitnih delov v skladu z internimi procedurami in navodili ter lepljenje kompozitnih in kovinskih delov.
• Sestava osnovnih mehanskih delov in implementacija različnih delov v letalo.
• Barvanje kompozitnih delov, kalupov in napredna laminacija ter sestava zahtevnih mehanskih delov.
• Sodelovanje z oddelkom za raziskave in razvoj ter ostalimi oddelki.
Kaj pričakujemo od kandidata/kandidatke?
• Zaključeno strokovno izobrazbo s tehničnega področja.
• Zaželeno znanje sestave mehanskih sklopov.
• Poznavanje kompozitnih materialov in postopkov.
• Sposobnost branja in razumevanja tehnične dokumentacije (načrti, tehnična navodila, ipd.).
• Ročne spretnosti, sposobnost oblikovanja in izdelave delov ter delovnih priprav.
• Izkušnje z Microsoft Office.
• Pasivno znanje angleškega jezika.
Kaj ponujamo?
• Dolgoročno sodelovanje v podjetju.
• Prilagodljiv delovni čas.
• Dinamično in zanimivo timsko delo v mladem kolektivu.
• Delo v kreativnem in ambiciozno naravnanem mednarodnem podjetju.
• Dostop do edinstvenega znanja in informacij na področju letalstva ter sredstva za strokovno usposabljanje.
• Možnost osebnega in strokovnega razvoja.