Minato, Undisclosed, Japan
6 days ago
Customer Success Specialist (CSS) - Networking Experiences (NX)

Customer Success Specialist (CSS) - Networking Experiences (NX)


カスタマーエクスペリエンス(Customer Experience(CX))-カスタマーサクセス (Customer Success)-カスタマーサクセススペシャリスト(Customer Success Specialists)


Customer Success Specialist (CSS)は、シスコ製品及び技術アーキテクチャのエンジニアであり、その役割は、お客様がシスコ製品やソリューションを活用することでビジネス上の価値を生み出すまでの時間を短縮することです。CSSはシスコ製品及び技術アーキテクチャに深く精通し、お客様の利用促進を支援し、より高機能や広範囲、最新のバージョンでの活用を進めていただくための技術的なバリアを解消する責任と、お客様にシスコを継続してお使いいただける関係を維持していただくことに責任を持ちます。

CSSはシスコ社内チームやシスコパートナー様と緊密に連携して、サポートサービスであるSuccess TracksのAsk-The-Experts(ATX)*やAccelerator(ACC)*などの技術セッションの提供や、Success Tracks コミュニティ*でサポートを通じて、お客様への最高のエクスペリエンスの提供、利用促進のステップを進めるための貢献を行います。

*Ask-The-Experts(ATX)は 複数のお客様に対して実施するインタラクティブなWebinarセッションであり、お客様のライフサイクルステージに合わせた、ユースケースに基づいたライブセッションで、シスコのテクノロジーに関する経験とベストプラクティスをエキスパート(CSS)が共有し、最後にQ&Aの時間を設けています。これらのセッションでは、ソリューションのそれぞれのライフサイクルステージを移行させるためのベストプラクティスを学習できます。


*Success Tracks コミュニティとは、シスコが運営する技術コミュニティで、同業者同士の交流だけでなく、シスコのエキスパート(CSS)が FAQに回答し、エキスパートによるQ&Aフォーラムを開催し、特定のユースケースとライフサイクルステージに合わせた製品とサービスの推奨事項を提供します。







・CCNP R&Sまたは同等以上の技術知識

・Python 等のスクリプトによるプログラミングに関する基礎知識







・CCIE R&S, CCIE Wireless, CCIE Security歓迎

・以下Ciscoソリューション、もしくは類するソリューションにおいてアドバイザリー、トラブルシューティングなどの技術知識(Cisco DNA Center, Cisco Router/Switch/Wireless, Cisco SD-WAN, PI, CMX, ThousandEyes, Cisco Meraki, ISE, Stealthwatch, Umbrella等)









・ 効果的なコミュニケーション:技術レベルが多様な顧客に対して難解な技術情報を説得力のある方法でわかりやすく説明ができ、粘り強く誠意を持って交渉が出来ること

What You‘ll Do

As the CSS you are a guide to the client on your aligned product or architecture. Your mission is to help the customer move to the next phase of the customer lifecycle and to visualize their future in the lifecycle. You will:

·       Provide the best-possible experience for the customer via the delivery of CX workshops and webinars that help customers advance through critical steps in the adoption process

·       Contribute to product and offer improvement by providing lifecycle feedback to CX Product Management and CX Success Programs Teams 

·       Collaborate with Account teams, Customer Success, Partners to improve customer adoption, address product concerns

·       Inspire customers to make tactical and strategic deployment decisions and track long term business outcomes

·       Drive adoption and expansion of Cisco products by highlighting future opportunities, winning use cases, and relevant strategies to customers and the Success team

Who You'll Work With

Customer Experience (CX) Customer Success Specialists (CSS) are a team of extraordinary technical guides whose #1 focus is to deliver exclusive customer experience. We help solve business challenges with network-centric solutions that accelerate customer and partner success and dedication. Our success is measured through customer happiness metrics, industry recognition, and employee happiness scores.

As a team we know that in engineering and customer success, you can only be successful together, so we emphasize a culture of helping each other, working together, winning together and having fun together. As a CSS team we help customers adopt and expand Cisco solutions by showing impact on the customer’s business goals. Maintaining an end-to-end lens, as CSSs we partner closely with Customer Success Executives, Success Programs Managers, sales accounts teams, delivery teams, partners and others.

Who You Are

Customer Obsessed: You love customer interactions and understand customer needs and align architectural and vertical expertise to multi-functional teams Technical Guide: You are able to explain technical concepts, give clients guidance and vision about the solution. You have a thorough understanding of the technical fundamentals of aligned technology/specialization areas, including features and use cases.  Cross-Team Collaborator & Influencer– You work across internal and external teams of all levels to inspire technical implementation decisions and work towards common goal.  Business Aware - You can connect technology solutions to business outcomes Responder: You are skilled at issue management and running customer expectations. Effective Communicator: You articulate the technical features into business impact, you can easily talk about technology to non-technical people. You are also an active listener. 

We Are Cisco

#WeAreCisco, where each person is unique, but we bring our talents to work as a team and make a difference. Here’s how we do it.

We embrace digital, and help our customers implement change in their digital businesses. Some may think we’re “old” (30 years strong!) and only about hardware, but we’re also a software company. And a security company. An AI/Machine Learning company. We even invented an intuitive network that adapts, predicts, learns and protects. No other company can do what we do – you can’t put us in a box!

But “Digital Transformation” is an empty buzz phrase without a culture that allows for innovation, creativity, and yes, even failure (if you learn from it.)

Day to day, we focus on the give and take. We give our best, we give our egos a break and we give of ourselves (because giving back is built into our DNA.) We take accountability, we take bold steps, and we take difference to heart. Because without diversity of thought and a commitment to equality for all, there is no moving forward.

So, you have colorful hair? Don’t care. Tattoos? Show off your ink. Like polka dots? That’s cool.

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