Bethlehem, PA, 18025, USA
77 days ago
Dental Hygienist - Star Community Health - Bethlehem
St. Luke's is proud of the skills, experience and compassion of its employees. The employees of St. Luke's are our most valuable asset! Individually and together, our employees are dedicated to satisfying the mission of our organization which is an unwavering commitment to excellence as we care for the sick and injured; educate physicians, nurses and other health care providers; and improve access to care in the communities we serve, regardless of a patient's ability to pay for health care. The Registered Dental Hygienist will provide preventative and therapeutic dental treatment for Star Community Health Dental patients. At Star Community Health’s Dental Clinic and Mobile Van, our goal is to provide our community with oral health education and public health interventions/activities as well as direct care to patients for the purpose of prevention, assessment, and/or treatment of dental problems. With a team of highly skilled and compassionate professionals, we are committed to delivering exceptional dental services in a warm and welcoming environment. We strive to create a positive and supportive work culture where each team member feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential. By joining Star Community Health you'll become part of a team that is passionate about making a positive impact on the oral health of our community. JOB DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: + Pr ovid e f ull rang e of de nt a l car e ser vi ce s to Star Community Health's d e nt a l p a ti e nts at the highest level of RDH certification in accordance with 49 Pa. Code § 33.205b. + D e monst ra t e c omp ete n c y in the a s se ssm e nt, ran ge of t rea tm e nt, knowl ed ge of gr owth a nd d e v e lopm e nt a nd co mmuni ca tion a pp r op r i a te to the a ge of the pa ti e nt t rea t e d. + Perform the d a y-to-day operations of the Dental Clinic and/or Mobile Van including directing front desk assistants, scheduling, claim/charge entry, and ensures quality and regulatory compliance. + Perform x-ray, equipment maintenance, occasional sterile processing and other clinical processes necessary for the operation of the Dental Clinic and/or Mobile Van. + Att e nd m a nd a t e d network a nd d e p ar tm e nt a l m eet in g s a nd f u nc tions. + Collaborate with Clinic Medical Staff and Community Health Staff on public health initiatives. + M a int a in c ompli a n c e w i th d e p ar tm e nt poli c y re g ar ding acc u rat e a nd tim e ly p a ti e nt c h ar ti n g in the e lectronic medical records sy st e m. + Assist the Clinic Dentists when they are present in the clinic and/or mobile van providing care. + M a int a in c on f id e nti a li t y of a ll m a t er i a ls h a ndl e d within the n e two r k/ e ntity a s w e ll a s the p r op e r re l eas e of in f o r m a tion. + C omply with n e two r k a nd d e p ar tm e nt a l poli c i e s regar di n g issu e s of e mpl oyee , p a ti e nt a nd e nvi r onm e nt a l s afet y a nd f ollows a pp r op ria te re po r ti n g re qui re m e nts. + Monito r a nd c omply with a ll in fec tion c ont r ol a nd s afet y p r o ce du re s. + Par ti c ip a t e in Qu a li t y Improvement process and o ffer sugg e stions to imp r ove wo r k m e thods or pr o ce du re s. PHYSICIAL AND SENSORY REQUIREMENTS: Si t up t o 6 h o urs p e r day ; 1 hour a t a time . Sta nd f or up t o 2 hours p e r d ay . Wal k 6 hours p e r day ; 10 mi nu te s a t a time . Con siste n tl y lift , ca rry a nd pu s h ob ject s up t o 10 l b s . Occasi on all y lift , ca rry a nd pu s h ob ject s up t o 75 l b s . F r e qu e n tl y st oop a nd b e n d . F r e qu e n tl y r eac h a bo v e s hou l d e r level . M u s t b e a b l e t o p e r ceiv e att r i b ute s of a n ob jec t t hrou g h t o uch . M u s t be abl e t o h ea r a s i t r elate s t o nor ma l c on ve r sati on, a nd hig h a nd l ow f r e qu e n cies . M u s t b e a b l e t o se e a s i t relate s t o ge n e r al , nea r, fa r, c o l or a nd p eri ph era l visio n s . EDUCATION: Associates degree in dental hygiene. Current dental hygiene license with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE: Three years of experience as a Dental Hygienist. Please complete your application using your full legal name and current home address. Be sure to include employment history for the past seven (7) years, including your present employer. Additionally, you are encouraged to upload a current resume, including all work history, education, and/or certifications and licenses, if applicable. It is highly recommended that you create a profile at the conclusion of submitting your first application. Thank you for your interest in St. Luke's!! St. Luke's University Health Network is an Equal Opportunity Employer. (
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