Pittsburgh, PA, USA
15 days ago
Electrical Engineer, National Robotics Engineering Center

The National Robotics Engineering Center is seeking an electrical engineer to contribute to the design of groundbreaking robotics systems. The candidate will contribute to robot design, fabrication, assembly, and testing with a solid application of electrical engineering principles and practice. As an institution working on robotics systems, a successful candidate will keep an open mind to problem solving and reaching solutions with an interdisciplinary team. Candidates should be eager to immerse themselves in challenges and be willing to learn and apply new domain specific knowledge.

Your primary responsibilities are to:

Research, identify and test relevant circuits and sensorsFind new sensors and ICs relevant to implementing and improving designsPCB board design, schematic and layoutCircuit prototyping, PCB assembly and reworkGenerate wiring diagramsSource and procure electronic components and lab suppliesParticipate in hardware design process, reviews, and testingPerform light fabrication of prototype parts for robotsAssemble and test mechanical and electrical assembliesDocument analysis, design, and test resultsTravel to support field experimentsOther duties as assigned

Required Qualifications:

Bachelor’s degree in an engineering or related field, or equivalent experience1-3 years of related experienceExperience in developing electrical circuits and electrical systemsCircuit design software experience (Altium preferred)

Desired Qualifications:

Experience with Python/Bash scripting, Matlab, C, C++Experience with MCU firmware development, Atmel and STM32Experience around FGPA development and Industrial IO systemsExperience with High speed routing and fabrication considerationsExperience with Imaging, optics and power supply designEmbedded and industrial computingMotor controller design and specification and smart-battery design3D modeling experience (SolidWorks)


You will have an impact in shaping the robotics revolution, collaborate with and learn from experts, and build your career in a rapidly growing field. As part of our team, you will develop solutions to solve industrial and government challenges, deploy your technology in real-world situations, work side-by-side with robotics experts, and develop an array of innovative technologies.

Have an Impact!

Remove waste from farming = more food (link)Make industrial processes environmentally friendly (link)Make hazardous jobs safer (link)Improve efficiency in industry & manufacturing (link)Accelerate screening of pharmaceuticals (link)

Take Control of Your Career!

Select the career pathway that interests youInfluence the direction of projectsSupportive of a non-standard scheduleMaintain work/life balanceSwitch between part-time and full-time as life demands

NREC is at the center of the robotics ecosystem in Pittsburgh, PA. With over 100 robotics companies, Pittsburgh is recognized as the Robotics Capital of the World. Geek Wire calls it Robotics Row; others call it Roboburgh. Join the leader in the most exciting time in robotics!

Join the Best Robotics R&D Group

Join our passionate and versatile team at NREC, an operating unit within the world-renowned Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

NREC has 25+ years of experience developing and deploying robots into many applications across multiple sectors, such as agriculture, mining, defense, energy, and manufacturing. We strive to provide solutions for real-world challenges where automation and robots impact efficiency and improve the safety and comfort of the labor force. Our unique expertise places us at the forefront of unmanned ground vehicle design, autonomy, sensing and perception, machine learning, machine vision, operator assistance, 3D mapping, and position estimation. With over 160 robotics professionals, we solve challenges that no other organization can.

NREC also leads in educational outreach through its Robotics Academy, which builds robotics curricula and software for K-12 and college-level students, and offers professional development certification courses and training to educators.

Opportunities people at NREC have seized:

As a member of NREC, you have the opportunity to take control of your career. People in similar roles have shaped their careers to suit their interests and their needs.

Becoming an in-depth expert in a technical areaLeading projects and fostering client relationshipsReceiving mentoring from senior engineers and robotics expertsMentoring junior engineersTaking courses at Carnegie MellonStaying connected with academic and recreational activities at Carnegie MellonTransitioned into a robotics, program management, technical lead, or software architecture rolesPerforming consulting during off timeOutreach to K-12 and college-level students

At NREC, we value diversity, support it, and thrive with it for the benefit of our organization, our employees and our community. Carnegie Mellon University is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Disability/Veteran.

Joining the CMU team opens the door to an array of exceptional benefits available to eligible employees.

Those employees who are benefits eligible have the opportunity to experience the full spectrum of advantages from comprehensive medical, prescription, dental, and vision insurance to an enticing retirement savings program offering a generous employer contribution. You can also unlock your potential with tuition benefits and take well-deserved breaks with ample paid time off and observed holidays. Finally, rest easy knowing you are covered by life and accidental death and disability insurance. 

Other perks include a free Pittsburgh Regional Transit bus pass, our Family Concierge Team to help navigate childcare needs, fitness center access, and so much more!

For a comprehensive overview of the benefits that may be awaiting you, explore our Benefits page.

At Carnegie Mellon, we value the whole package when extending offers of employment. Beyond just credentials, we consider the role and responsibilities, your invaluable work experience, and the knowledge gained through education and training. We acknowledge and appreciate your unique skills and the diverse perspective you bring. Your journey with us is about more than just a job; it’s about finding the perfect fit for your professional growth and personal aspirations.

Are you interested in an exciting opportunity with an exceptional organization?! Apply today!


Pittsburgh, PA

Job Function

Engineering, Research and Project Scientists

Position Type

Staff – Regular

Full Time/Part time

Full time

Pay Basis


More Information: 

Please visit “Why Carnegie Mellon” to learn more about becoming part of an institution inspiring innovations that change the world. 

Click here to view a listing of employee benefits

Carnegie Mellon University is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Disability/Veteran. 

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