Shanghai, Shanghai (CN)
39 days ago
Electrical Process Engineer

About the Voith Group

The Voith Group is a global technology company. With its broad portfolio of systems, products, services and digital applications, Voith sets standards in the markets of energy, paper, raw materials and transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, the company today has around 22,000 employees, sales of € 5,2 billion and locations in over 60 countries worldwide and is thus one of the larger family-owned companies in Europe.

Voith Hydro is looking for Electrical Process Engineer.

Electrical Process Engineer 
Electrical Process Engineer


Make Manufacturing Process Scheme制定工艺方案

按照项目产品图样、技术规范和质量检验计划,以及VH通用的技术标准,例如绝缘规范(IGL)、发电机制造标准(GMS)和安全规范等,为在VHS制造的发电机电气部件提供制造工艺方案,方案内容包括:/ Based on production drawings, technical specifications, inspection and test plan (ITP) of project, as well as general standards in VH, such as insulation guideline (IGL), generator manufacturing standards (GMS) and safety regulation, etc., provide Mfg. process scheme for electrical components of generator made in VHS, below contents should be involved:


产品制造工艺性分析 / Analysis on Products Manufacturability 制造工艺流程、关键工序设置及控制计划 / Mfg. Routing, key process setup and its control plan; 制造设备和设施的使用方案及改造升级计划  / Application scheme of Mfg. Facilities and their modification plan; 制造工装方案 / Application scheme of Mfg. tooling; 工时分配计划 / Distribution of Mfg. hours; 关键工序的工艺参数 / Process parameters in key process;


Prepare and maintain Mfg. Process Documents编制工艺文件

根据工艺方案,准备必须的工艺文件,下发生产部门指导生产。根据工艺改进需要,对文件中相关内容进行必要的修订。/ According to the Mfg. process scheme, prepare necessary process documents and issue them to Mfg. division. Based on the process improvement, accordingly revise the process parameters and operations which are specified in the Mfg. process documents.

在生产开始前,通常需要准备以下文件指导生产 / In general process documents below need to be available before production Mfg. Start-up.

标准作业程序 / SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) 作业指导和验收标准 / IAS (Instruction & Acceptance Standard) 电气部件制造程序 / EMP (Manufacturing Procedure for Electrical Components) 项目专用制造程序 / PMP (Dedicated Manufacturing Procedure for Project) 制造流程 / Mfg. Routing 专用工装委托书 / Request for Dedicated Mfg. tooling Daily manufacturing process inspection 日常制造工艺过程监控

在产品制造过程中对发电机车间执行工艺的符合性进行日常检查和监控,特别要求对以下工序进行重点检查。及时对出现的偏差进行纠正 / During the manufacturing, carry out daily inpection on the compliance of Mfg. Process implementation in E-shop, corect the process deviations in time.

以下关键工序需要重点检查 / Critical process below need to be focused:

定子线棒的热压固化过程  / Hot press of green bar; 主绝缘包带和防晕系统的制造过程  / Main insulation taping and corona protection application; 真空浸渍及固化过程  / VPI and curing system; 磁极线圈绝缘的热压固化过程  / Curing process of inter-turn insulation of pole coil; 最终电气测试 / Final electrical test;


Conduct P-FMEA activities 组织P-FMEA活动

在定子线棒或磁极生产开始前,组织P-FMEA活动。识别风险,制定具体的防范措施,降低故障发生的概率 / Conduct P-FMEA activities before start up the manufacturing of stator bars and rotor poles. Identify the failure risk and make concrete preventive measures to mitigate the possibility of failures.

Mfg. Kick-off Meeting生产启动会议

在试生产阶段开始前至少1个月,组织生产启动会议,与相关部门一起对生产技术准备状态进行确认,并向车间进行制造工艺交底  / At least one month before the trial Mfg. of production, orgnize a Mfg. kick-off meeting. Together with relative division check and confirm the preparation stauts of the Mfg. technical documents, and hand over the Mfg. process to shop floor. 

Mfg. Start-up Report 生产启动报告

正式产品生产开始前,应组织试生产。收集数据,对工艺过程的保障能力进行分析和评估,优化工艺过程,最终确定最优的工艺过程 / Orgnize a trial manufacturing before mass production manufacturing. Collect all necessary Mfg. data, make analysis and evaluation on the capability of the Mfg. process, freeze the Mfg. process after optimization.

Troubleshooting during the Mfg. 解决生产过程中出现问题

解决生产过程中出现的工艺问题,及时进行总结并对相关的工艺参数进行调整 / Solve problems in relation with the Mfg. process during the manufacturing, make lessons learn and revise the associated process parameters in time.

Process optimization and innovetion工艺优化和创新

通过优化工艺、工装设备持续提高生产效率和降低制造费用。积极寻求工艺创新的机会 / Continuously maximize production efficiency and minimize cost by optimizing process, devices and tools.Actively seek opportunity for Mfg. process innovention.

Keep efficient communication with Engineering 与工程部门保持有效的沟通

作为制造部门与工程设计部门沟通的桥梁,及时向工程设计部门反馈电气部件在制造过程中出现的技术问题,并寻求技术支持 / As a bridge between the division of Mfg. and the Engineering, feed back the technical issues to Engineering in time and try to get technical supports.

Technical support for other division 为其他部门提供技术支持

为车间、采购、质量管理和现场提供工艺支持 / Provide process support to Workshop, Sourcing, Quality Management and Field;



 Academic Background学历背景

Undergraduate and above, major in electrical engineering, mechanical or equivalent


Professional experience工作经历

Have background in electrical machine industry, experienced in manufacturing process for at least 5 years. It is preference to have manufacturing experience in electrical components in large high-voltage electrical machine.


Professional Knowledge 专业知识

Have knowledge on VH’s Hydro structure / 了解福伊特水电结构分解模块内容。

Have knowledge on the structure of the hydro generator. Know well the structure and function of the stator and rotor winding. / 了解发电机结构,熟悉发电机定子和转子各部件的结构和功能。

Know well structure of the insulation system of the stator and rotor wingding, the insulation material and their characteristics / 熟悉定子绕组和转子绕组绝缘系统的结构,组成绝缘材料以及他们的特性。

Have the expertise in manufacturing process of stator winding and rotor pole / 专长于定子绕组和磁极部件的制造工艺和制造流程。

Know well on dedicated facilities commonly used in electrical components manufacturing process / 熟悉电气部件制造工艺中常用的专用制造工艺装备。

Have knowledge on standards of conventional electrical test applied in manufacturing stator bar and rotor pole, include procedure, equipment and acceptance criteria / 了解定子线棒和转子磁极在制造过程中所进行的常规电气测试的标准,包括测试方法、设备和验收标准等。

Have ability to read and understand the drawings of product and Mfg. devices / 具有产品或工装图样了阅读和理解能力。

Have ability to apply RCA, A3 and 8D in problem solving, and PFMEA to mitigate the Mfg. risk /可以使用RCA、A3和8D等质量工具解决问题,以及使用PFMEA工具降低制造过程中的风险

Have knowledge on ISO9001 / 了解ISO9001.

IT Office Skills

Proficiently apply the functional modules of the software into the daily works, such as Microsoft office, SAP and the Solid Edge, etc. / 在日常工作中可以熟练地使用Microsoft office, SAP 和Solid Edge等软件的相关模块。

English Language Skill

Fluent in English for communication / 英语交流

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