Grand Rapids, MI, 49507, USA
68 days ago
Entry-Level Gas Service Technician (Leak Survey)
Job Description: Do you want to start your career with a company that values integrity, dedication, and hard work every single day? We want to offer you competitive pay, a generous benefits package, and opportunities for advancement. As leaders in the utility industry concentrating, on quality and safety, RECONN is looking for people to join our team who are problem solvers, take pride in public safety and are comfortable in a fast paced, exciting work environment. A gas leak surveyor provides an important service to utilities and the public. Leak survey technicians use a variety of equipment to survey gas lines ensuring pipeline integrity. When a leak is detected, it is investigated, classified, and documented. Basic skills needed are computer skills, map reading, routing, and problem solving. The starting pay for this position is $17/hour. These are entry-level, daytime/full-time positions and overtime may be required. Instructor led training will be provided. This position may require you to work weekends. W h y You ' ll Love Wo rk i n g for Us ( O u r B e n e fi t s ) : + 100% p aid t r ai n i n g – We ' r e in v e sted in you, s t a rting on your f irst day. + Company Vehicle & Gas Card - Business use only including commute to and from work locations + Co mp a n y l a p top, p h o ne , a n d e qu i p m e n t – Adv a n ce d t e c hnology you c a n c ount on. + Daily p ay – A cce ss your p a y wh e n you n e e d it mos t . I nstantly tr a ns f e r yo u r e a rnings to your b a nk s a me d a y. + Co mp re h e n sive i n s u r a nc e o p tions – A v a ri e ty of e x ce l l e nt insur a n c e c h oic e s including medi ca l, dent a l, v i sion, a nd l i f e . + 401(k) w ith c o mp a n y m at c h – W e will h e lp you s a ve for the long t e rm w i th our c ompeti t ive 401 ( k) e mp l oy e r m a tch p r o g r a m. + PTO a n d p aid h ol id ays – Even in your first year, s o you ca n sp e nd t i me w i th your lov e d on e s. + T e nu r e Boots Pr og r am – P rovid e s a $200 vou c h e r to buy a n e w p a ir of w ork b oots on your fi r st anniv e r s a ry a n d e v e ry ye a r a ft e r. + T ec h Heal t h D e sk – D e dic a ted re p r e s e n t a t i v e s to g e t you wh a t you ne e d wh e n you n ee d i t . + E m p loyee d iscou n ts & p er k s – Outs t a nding d i s c ounts a t m a jor re taile r s a nd s e rvi c e Responsibilities: + Read and interpret gas company maps and records + Detect, locate, and evaluate leaks using prescribed procedures + Classify leaks in accordance with company/ contractual guidelines and procedures + Immediately report leaks to gas company under contract + Complete daily workload on accurately, efficiently, and on time + Perform locates with safety in mind + Complete required paperwork and sketches + Keep lines of communication open with Management + Help in other areas if needed + Follow company guidelines set forth in employee manual + Be willingly to perform duties in new areas when asked + Respect and care for company issued equipment What We Need from You (Our Requirements): + Proficient at using current technology; smartphone, tablet + Must be able to communicate in an effective manner in a one-on-one setting and while addressing a group + Must be able to work outdoors in all types of weather conditions; outdoor experience preferred + Must be available to work overtime and weekends (as needed) + Must pass a drug screen + Valid driver's license and safe driving record required + Work well within a group, as well as individually + Ability to use simple hand tools We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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