Rockville, MD, 20851, USA
52 days ago
Environment of Care Safety Officer
STGi is seeking qualified candidates to work full-time as a qualified Occupational Health and Safety Specialist IV or Administrator for Federal Occupational Health (FOH). Duties and Responsibilities as listed in the contract: The Environment of Care (EC) Safety Officer works closely with the Quality and Performance Improvement (QPI) Program Manager (PM) to provide oversight and guidance for FOH in the areas of: + Safety and security -physical environment, access to security-sensitive areas, equipment recalls and smoking. + Hazardous materials and waste – risks associated with chemicals, radioactive materials, hazardous energy sources, hazardous medications, and hazardous gases and vapors. + Fire safety (Life Safety) – risks from fire, smoke, and products of combustion. + Medical equipment management – selection, testing, maintenance, and contingencies when equipment fails. + Utilities – inspection and testing of operating components, control of airborne contaminants, and management of disruptions. Job Specific Duties and Responsibilities: Quality & Safety + Participates in annual policy reviews and makes recommendations for changes and updates. + Identifies needs for new EC and Safety policies, SOPs or LOPs. + Drafts EC and Safety polices, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and competencies. + Develops necessary training or communication tools to ensure understanding of all policies and SOPs. + Performs and oversees performance improvement/quality site visits, and reports deficiencies to QPI PM, FOH Deputy. Medical Director, and Chief of Clinics, with plan for correction regarding EC and safety issues. + Utilities Management to include: evaluation of emergency power and utility failure contingency. + Assists in the performance of clinic on-site inspections using FOH's site survey inspection tool. + Reviews all safety events the focus on EC and Safety issues and completes appropriate corrective action/follow up to events. Provides report to Risk Manager + Participates in performance improvement initiatives as directed by QPI PM and Director of Quality in collaboration with the QPI team. Service Operations + P r o v i des l eade r s h i p for the FOH EC and Safety Program. + Intervenes whenever environmental conditions pose an immediate threat to life, an immediate threat to health, or pose a threat of damage to equipment or buildings. + Manages risk and coordinates risk reduction activities that impact sites across the FOH occupational health provision network. + Oversees the identification, collection, and mitigation of environment of care (EC) incidents including: deficiencies, problems, failures, user errors, near misses, sentinel events, and opportunities for improvement. + Creates, manages, evaluates, and maintains the FOH EC Master Plan and the FOH Equipment Management (EM) Plan. + Develops performance improvement e v a l uat i o n c r i te ri a and collects performance improvement data t o i de n t i f y the p ri o ri ty of p e r f o rm an c e i m p r o v e m ents a n d p r o cess ch a n g es for EC and EM related ac ti v i t i es. + Ide n t i f ies , un d e r s t a n ds, and i nte r p r e ts r e q u ir e m e n ts that app l y to EC and emergency management + Reviews and monitors the FOH equipment selection process and makes recommendations to the FOH Medical Director for process improvements that facilitate proper equipment selection and mitigate risk. + E v a l uates a nd ass e sses t he e x i s ti ng cond i t i o ns, ope r a t i ons, a n d p r a c t i ces at FOH to de t e r m i n e the g ene r al c o m p li an c e w i th FOH designated national health care quality organization EC and Emergency Management s ta n da r d s. + Ide n t i f ies i m p r o v e m ent o p po r t u n i t i es and generates p r o c ess ch a n g es to fac i li tate performance improvement of the s a fet y , secu ri t y , and patient care en v ir on m e nt + Collects, tracks, analyzes, and distributes information about recalled equipment + Works in multidisciplinary setting to conduct ri sk ass e s s m e n ts related to EC and EM + C oo r d i na t es a n d f ac i li t ates a l l p e r f o rm ance i m p r o v e m ent initiatives r e l ated t o t h e EC in the various FOH service areas + Coordinates with Chief of Clinics (CCS) and the Regional Clinic Managers (RCMs) in the opening, moving, closing clinics working with QPI team on space design and/or other EC factors + Performs periodic on-site clinic inspections focusing on EC and EM issues + Provides all requests for new EC supplies and equipment to the QPI PM and FOH Medical Director. Requests must be submitted with research completed and supporting justification of need. + Intervenes whenever environmental conditions pose an immediate threat to life, an immediate threat to health, or pose a threat of damage to equipment or buildings. Customer Service + Identifies customer needs and provides solutions as directed by the QPI PM. + Assists in the preparation of customer satisfaction survey (EC and safety data) in a summary report for the QPI PM. + Collects and aggregates EC and Safety data from clinic site surveys. Procurement + Reviews EM data for compliance with FOH policy, designated national health care quality organization standards, and industry best practices for new and existing durable medical equipment. + Advises service areas and FOH operations on quality and safety considerations regarding EM to include selection, risk mitigation safety, maintenance, inspection and testing. + Serves on technical evaluation panels as requested. Metrics + Aggregates EC and EM raw data from each service areas into standardized reports to monitor quality and performance. + Assists each Service Director (SD) or their designee with establishing standardized metrics across the organization to improve EC, EM, and service operation safety. + Assists the SD in assessing trends across all operations and developing innovative and effective operational strategies to improve efficiency of service operations and accomplish FOH and Service Division objectives. + Organizes and collects data for data calls and/or other deliverables for assigned EC and safety tasks Required Skills Minimum Requirements/Knowledge/Skills: + Knowledge of principles and practices for safety and environment of care management in a multi-site health care system + Demonstrated knowledge about complying with national healthcare quality organization EC and EM standards in healthcare programs + Demonstrates SME in the provision and systemic management of EC and EM for all occupational health services provided by FOH, particularly occupational health centers. Anticipates and addresses potential problems with service delivery + Program development, implementation and evaluation training experience. + Microsoft Office software with high proficiency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint + Experience with monitoring and evaluating clinical systems including developing indicators, data collection. instruments, compiling data, analyzing data, and creating monitoring and evaluation reports + Experience drafting operational policies and procedures + Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills. Must demonstrate an ability to successfully engage a diverse group of people + Ability to physically stand, bend, squat, and walk throughout the workday to conduct site visits + Must have good organizational, problem solving and critical thinking skills and the ability to demonstrate organizational and political savvy. Required Experience Minimum Education Requirements/Certification/Licensure/Experience: + Bachelor’s Degree in a safety related field such as occupational health and safety, environmental science, or industrial hygiene or + Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Occupational Health and Safety Technician (OHST) or Certified Safety and Health Manager. + Masters degree in occupational health or related field, preferred. + 4 years experience in healthcare workplace safety and compliance programs. + Strong understanding and background in EC, EM, and safety standards for a national quality healthcare organization. \ + Current CPR/AED for Health Care Professionals certification. OR + Specialized Experience: Experience in or related to safety and occupational health that provided the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform successfully the duties of the position. STG International, Inc (STGi) is a workforce solutions company providing comprehensive healthcare delivery, Head Start and management consulting services and human capital solutions help our clients. Our services and solutions help our clients sustain and enhance their operations to better accomplish their mission. STGi offers a competitive benefits package which includes Medical, Dental, Vision, 401k with company match and a generous PTO policy. STG International, Inc. is committed to hiring and retaining a diverse workforce. We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, making decisions without regard to race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, national origin, age, veteran status, disability, or any other protected class.
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