Location: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
For the company Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o. we are looking for an eVTOL airworthiness and certification engineer to join the Novel Technology Fielding department at Pipistrel. As eVTOL airworthiness and certification engineer you will play a key role in bringing our vision to life as this position represents a key intermediary interface between Pipistrel and the relevant aviation authorities who are responsible for the safety and certification of the Pipistrel products. As well as helping to shape the regulatory environment according to which our products will be certified, your task will also be to support our in-house design teams. By this you will contribute to make sure that our aircraft will meet the current and future required certification standards and regulatory requirements.
What will your main scope be?
• Lead and manage EASA design verification activities for large unmanned Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft from planning to final approval.
• Work and coordinate with the relevant regulatory authorities and Pipistrel in-house design teams to initiate the type investigation process and establish a certification basis for the aircraft.
• Propose and negotiate with the regulatory authorities all methods and means of compliance, exemptions and special conditions.
• Support and contribute to the preparation and supervision of the design verification data packages and their delivery to the regulatory authorities, including but not limited to design verification program, test plans, compliance checklists, assessments and technical manuals.
• Support the cooperation and the negotiation with the national aviation authorities of the specific operational authorizations for the aircraft.
• Stay up to date with relevant regulations, guidelines, and industry best practices.
• Interpret and apply relevant airworthiness standards to eVTOL designs.
What do we expect from the candidate?
• Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or a related field.
• Extensive experience (typically 5 years) in airworthiness and certification.
• In-depth knowledge of the EASA regulatory environment and EASA practices.
• Familiarity with relevant industry standards (e.g. SC-VTOL, CS-23, CS-27, CS-29, SC-LUAS).
• Knowledge of Reg. (EU) 2019/947 is beneficial.
• Excellent problem solving, communication and teamwork abilities.
• Work package leadership skills.
• Excellent English language proficiency.
What do we offer?
• Full-time employment with an evaluation period.
• Work in a creative and ambitious international company.
• Dynamic teamwork in a young team that encourages the discussion of out-of-the-box innovative concepts on novel projects.
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information and professional training resources from a highly experienced team, previously involved on several successful disruptive aircraft development and certification campaigns.
• A great team of colleagues and the opportunity to work in an international environment.
• Funding for professional training (internal and external).
• Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Location: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
For the company Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o. we are looking for an eVTOL airworthiness and certification engineer to join the Novel Technology Fielding department at Pipistrel. As eVTOL airworthiness and certification engineer you will play a key role in bringing our vision to life as this position represents a key intermediary interface between Pipistrel and the relevant aviation authorities who are responsible for the safety and certification of the Pipistrel products. As well as helping to shape the regulatory environment according to which our products will be certified, your task will also be to support our in-house design teams. By this you will contribute to make sure that our aircraft will meet the current and future required certification standards and regulatory requirements.
What will your main scope be?
• Lead and manage EASA design verification activities for large unmanned Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft from planning to final approval.
• Work and coordinate with the relevant regulatory authorities and Pipistrel in-house design teams to initiate the type investigation process and establish a certification basis for the aircraft.
• Propose and negotiate with the regulatory authorities all methods and means of compliance, exemptions and special conditions.
• Support and contribute to the preparation and supervision of the design verification data packages and their delivery to the regulatory authorities, including but not limited to design verification program, test plans, compliance checklists, assessments and technical manuals.
• Support the cooperation and the negotiation with the national aviation authorities of the specific operational authorizations for the aircraft.
• Stay up to date with relevant regulations, guidelines, and industry best practices.
• Interpret and apply relevant airworthiness standards to eVTOL designs.
What do we expect from the candidate?
• Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or a related field.
• Extensive experience (typically 5 years) in airworthiness and certification.
• In-depth knowledge of the EASA regulatory environment and EASA practices.
• Familiarity with relevant industry standards (e.g. SC-VTOL, CS-23, CS-27, CS-29, SC-LUAS).
• Knowledge of Reg. (EU) 2019/947 is beneficial.
• Excellent problem solving, communication and teamwork abilities.
• Work package leadership skills.
• Excellent English language proficiency.
What do we offer?
• Full-time employment with an evaluation period.
• Work in a creative and ambitious international company.
• Dynamic teamwork in a young team that encourages the discussion of out-of-the-box innovative concepts on novel projects.
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information and professional training resources from a highly experienced team, previously involved on several successful disruptive aircraft development and certification campaigns.
• A great team of colleagues and the opportunity to work in an international environment.
• Funding for professional training (internal and external).
• Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Lokacija: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
Za podjetje Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o. iščemo inženirja za plovnost in certificiranje eVTOL, ki se bo pridružil oddelku za uvajanje novih tehnologij pri Pipistrelu. Kot inženir za plovnost in certificiranje eVTOL boste igrali ključno vlogo pri uresničevanju naše vizije, saj ta položaj predstavlja ključno vmesno povezavo med Pipistrelom in ustreznimi letalskimi oblastmi, ki so odgovorne za varnost in certificiranje Pipistrelovih izdelkov. Poleg pomoči pri oblikovanju regulativnega okolja, po katerem bodo naši izdelki certificirani, bo vaša naloga tudi podpora našim notranjim design ekipam. S tem boste prispevali k zagotavljanju, da bodo naša letala izpolnjevala trenutne in prihodnje zahteve glede certificiranja in regulativnih zahtev.
Kaj bo vaše glavno področje delovanja?
• Vodenje in upravljanje dejavnosti preverjanja zasnove EASA za velika brezpilotna letala z navpičnim vzletom in pristankom (VTOL) od načrtovanja do končne odobritve.
• Delo in koordinacija z ustreznimi regulativnimi organi in notranjimi design ekipami Pipistrela za začetek postopka preiskave tipa in vzpostavitev osnove za certificiranje letala.
• Predlaganje in pogajanje z regulativnimi organi o vseh metodah in sredstvih skladnosti, izjemah in posebnih pogojih.
• Podpora in prispevanje k pripravi in nadzoru paketov podatkov za preverjanje zasnove ter njihova dostava regulativnim organom, vključno, vendar ne omejeno na program preverjanja zasnove, načrte testiranj, kontrolne sezname skladnosti, ocene in tehnične priročnike.
• Podpora sodelovanju in pogajanjem z nacionalnimi letalskimi oblastmi glede posebnih operativnih dovoljenj za letala.
• Sledenje relevantnim predpisom, smernicam in najboljšim praksam v industriji.
• Interpretacija in uporaba ustreznih standardov plovnosti za zasnove eVTOL.
Kaj pričakujemo od kandidata/kandidatke?
• Diploma ali magisterij iz letalskega inženirstva, strojništva ali sorodnega področja.
• Obsežne izkušnje (običajno 5 let) na področju plovnosti in certificiranja.
• Poglobljeno poznavanje regulativnega okolja EASA in praks EASA.
• Seznanjenost z ustreznimi industrijskimi standardi (npr. SC-VTOL, CS-23, CS-27, CS-29, SC-LUAS).
• Poznavanje uredbe (EU) 2019/947 je koristno.
• Odlične sposobnosti reševanja problemov, komunikacije in timskega dela.
• Sposobnosti vodenja delovnih paketov.
• Odlično znanje angleškega jezika.
Kaj ponujamo?
• Zaposlitev za polni delovni čas s poskusnim obdobjem.
• Delo v ustvarjalnem in ambicioznem mednarodnem podjetju.
• Dinamično timsko delo v mladi ekipi, ki spodbuja razpravo o inovativnih konceptih pri novih projektih.
• Dostop do edinstvenega znanja, letalskih informacij in virov za strokovno usposabljanje iz zelo izkušene ekipe, ki je bila prej vključena v več uspešnih kampanj za razvoj in certificiranje letal.
• Odlično ekipo sodelavcev in priložnost za delo v mednarodnem okolju.
• Financiranje strokovnega usposabljanja (notranjega in zunanjega).
• Priložnosti za osebno in poklicno rast.