Mellansel, Västernorrlands län, Sweden
1 day ago
Examensarbeten hos Hägglunds / del 3

Company Description

Hägglunds är en del av Bosch Rexroth. Vi vill erbjuda studenter att ta del av vår spännande utvecklingsresa med höga mål för försäljning, lönsamhet och produktion. Gör ditt examens-arbete hos oss så kan vi få lära känna varandra. Vi kombinerar en familjär atmosfär och snabba beslutsvägar med de fördelar som kommer med att vara en del av en stor koncern, inklusive resurser och möjligheter för din personliga utveckling.

Vi presenterar därför flera av de idéer vi har kring vad som kan vara ett intressant examensarbeten hos oss. Låt dig inspireras! I denna annons presenterar vi idé nr 11 till 12.

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Vi är en ledande tillverkare av hydrauliska drivsystem och lösningar. Kunderna återfinns inom branscher som bland annat återvinning, socker- och materialhanteringen. Hägglunds har sitt huvudkontor och huvudproduktion i Mellansel, strax utanför Örnsköldsvik. Här ryms alla funktioner under ett tak: Från utveckling och produktion till försäljning och service. Hägglunds har cirka 600 medarbetare runtom i världen, varav cirka 400 jobbar i Mellansel.

Job Description

1. Examensarbete: Hållbarhet för jobbrelaterade resvanor 

2. Examensarbete: Flow- and pressure pulze optimization of valve desig 

3. Examensarbete: Flödesoptimering ringkanal  

4. Examensarbete: HiSi 

5. Examensarbete: Develop and analyze a flushing model for hydraulic motors 

6. Examensarbete: Use cases for Digital Twin solutions  

7. Examensarbete: Digitalisera befintliga mätdata 

8. Examensarbete: Minimera interna slöserier 

9. Examensarbete: Optimera mätsträckor i koordinatmätmaskinen 

10. Examensarbete: Framtiden för HR: En studie om implementering av ChatGPT 

11. Examensarbete: Enhancing inventory forecasting models for improved steering and control within a global logistics operation 

12. Examensarbete: Process mining driven continuous improvement process in volatile manufacturing and assembly environment 


11. Examensarbete: Enhancing inventory forecasting models for improved steering and control within a global logistics operation // The strategic logistics department 

 The strategic logistics department is a vital component of our organization, responsible for overseeing and optimizing various aspects of the supply chain to ensure efficient and cost-effective operations. We focus on several key areas to meet our strategic objectives, divided into either information flow or material flow. Examples of areas are Demand planning, Capacity planning, Warehouse optimization, Logistic quality, Export control, Logistic controlling and Digitalization. 

Global logistics operations involve the complex movement of goods and materials across international borders, often spanning multiple countries and continents. Effective steering and control of inventory are crucial for ensuring the smooth flow of products, minimizing operational costs, and meeting customer demand. Accurate inventory forecasting is a key component of this process, as it enables organizations to align their supply chains with actual requirements and anticipate potential disruptions. 

Factors as geopolitical events, customs regulations, currency fluctuations, and transportation delays introduce a high degree of uncertainty. These challenges make it imperative to enhance inventory forecasting models and adapt them to the unique demands of global logistics. The purpose with this thesis is to create a forecasting model for suitable for our global inventory. 

Based on existing datasources, firstly understand the setup of our global supply chain and identify the key challenges for a high forecasting accuracy. Examine the current way of inventory forecasting, draw conclusion of a way forward to lastly be able to create/Enhance a forecasting model for our global inventory. 

The result of this thesis can lead to an increased accuracy of our inventory forecasting models, thereby improving steering and control in their global supply chains, optimizing inventory management, and ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction. 

12. Examensarbete: Process mining driven continuous improvement process in volatile manufacturing and assembly environment // The strategic logistics department 

Based on our existing process mining tool, perform a root cause analysis to understand the factors contributing to our On-time-delivery. Based on those insights, establish a process for continuous monitoring of those said factors and ensure knowledge transfer for continuous work. The result of this thesis can lead to an established way of working with process mining, setting up for future use. But the final result can help us to maintain a high level of the KPI On-time-delivery to customer.

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