Expert Maintenance Technician
Join Xylem in the global mission to #LetsSolveWater! As a leading water technology company with 23,000 employees operating in over 150 countries, Xylem is at the forefront of addressing the world's most critical water challenges. We invite passionate individuals to join our team, dedicated to exceeding customer expectations through innovative and sustainable solutions.
**POSITION SUM** **M** **ARY**
**The** **M** **ainten** **a** **nce Te** **c** **hnician w** **o** **rks inde** **p** **en** **d** **ently and with othe** **r** **plant** **p** **erso** **n** **nel to** **p** **erf** **or** **m prevent** **a** **tive, p** **r** **edictive,** **a** **nd r** **o** **utine** **m** **ainten** **a** **nce tasks to** **t** **he facility** **a** **nd equ** **i** **pment the** **r** **ei** **n** **.**
** Collects and assists wit** **h** **docu** **m** **entati** **o** **n of** **re** **pair details**
** Prepares** **a** **nd sets up equ** **i** **pmen** **t** **for produ** **c** **ti** **o** **n after repa** **i** **r. Assist and ins** **t** **ruct** **o** **thers** **w** **hen**
**requir** **e** **d** **.**
** Must be** **a** **ble to c** **o** **mm** **u** **nicate with outside v** **e** **ndors in** **a** **clear mann** **e** **r**
** Works fro** **m** **instruct** **i** **on m** **a** **nual,** **m** **echanical d** **r** **awings and sc** **h** **ematics.**
** Trouble** **s** **hoots and d** **e** **term** **i** **nes ap** **p** **ro** **p** **riate ac** **t** **ions for repair of facility s** **u** **pport equi** **p** **ment.**
**Engages ext** **e** **rnal co** **n** **tract** **o** **rs f** **o** **r re** **p** **airs if ne** **c** **essary.**
** Provides technical** **s** **upp** **o** **rt to** **e** **nsure equip** **m** **e** **nt is in a cons** **t** **ant sta** **t** **e of readines** **s** **.**
** Perform P** **r** **eventive Mainte** **n** **ance a** **n** **d syste** **m** **calibration** **t** **o main** **t** **ain safet** **y** **and in** **c** **rease**
**up-time of facility e** **q** **uipme** **n** **t.**
** Maintains pl** **a** **nt equ** **i** **pmen** **t** **in a sta** **t** **e of readi** **n** **ess by safely utilizin** **g** **hand tools, po** **w** **er t** **o** **ols** **,**
**hoists, cra** **n** **es, and meas** **u** **ring/** **t** **esting ins** **t** **ru** **m** **ents, specialty** **t** **ools, a** **n** **d specialty** **e** **quip** **m** **ent as requi** **r** **ed** **.**
** Participates a** **n** **d contr** **i** **butes in a te** **a** **m envi** **r** **o** **n** **ment.**
** Documents all** **c** **orre** **c** **tive and prev** **e** **ntive ma** **i** **n** **tenance w** **o** **rk p** **e** **rfo** **r** **med t** **h** **roug** **h** **out t** **h** **e**
**course of the da** **y** **using c** **o** **mput** **e** **r syst** **e** **m.**
** Maintains a c** **l** **ean a** **n** **d safe w** **o** **rk a** **r** **ea a** **n** **d ad** **h** **eres to 5S s** **t** **anda** **r** **ds.**
** Ensures emp** **l** **oyee sa** **f** **e passa** **g** **e into** **p** **arking** **l** **ots and** **b** **uildings t** **h** **rough** **s** **now/ice** **r** **emoval**
**and de-ici** **n** **g applicat** **i** **on (site** **s** **pecific)**
** Contributes to division results** **a** **nd p** **e** **rfo** **r** **man** **c** **e**
** Take c** **a** **re of in** **t** **ernal and ex** **t** **ernal** **c** **ustom** **e** **r** **n** **eeds and expectat** **i** **ons**
**1. FORMAL EDUC** **A** **TION:**
**Required: Hi** **g** **h School Diplo** **m** **a or GE** **D**
** Minimum of 2** **-** **4 years of m** **a** **nufact** **u** **ring main** **t** **enance ex** **p** **erien** **c** **e or relate** **d** **traini** **n** **g.**
** Must have** **k** **nowledg** **e** **of a** **n** **d be c** **a** **pable o** **f** **d** **e** **monstr** **a** **ting ma** **i** **ntenan** **c** **e p** **r** **actices an** **d**
**methods w** **h** **en exe** **c** **uting** **m** **echanical and ele** **c** **trical re** **p** **airs of** **e** **quip** **m** **ent.**
** Ability to communi** **c** **ate a** **n** **d work well with ot** **h** **ers.**
** Be capable of w** **o** **rking** **f** **rom and u** **n** **derst** **a** **ndi** **n** **g equip** **m** **ent** **m** **anuals, s** **p** **ecifications, and**
**BOM’s (Bill of Mat** **e** **rials). Be ca** **p** **able of** **c** **om** **pr** **ehending both wri** **t** **ten a** **n** **d o** **r** **al instructi** **o** **ns** **.**
** Ability and certificati** **o** **ns to** **o** **pera** **t** **e mobil** **e** **eq** **u** **ipment suc** **h** **as f** **o** **rklifts, scissor lifts** **,** **and**
**other** **e** **quipm** **e** **nt r** **e** **quire** **d** **to p** **e** **rfo** **r** **m work dut** **i** **es.**
** Working knowle** **d** **ge of c** **o** **mpu** **t** **ers.**
** Excellent comm** **u** **nication** **a** **nd int** **e** **rper** **s** **onal s** **k** **ills**
** Ability to work inde** **p** **ende** **n** **tly**
**Our Total Rewards Program goes far beyond base compensation by providing a more fulfilling work experience and offering a competitive benefits program, including:**
**Generous PTO package and paid holidays**
**Generous retirement savings plan**
**Customizable health, dental and vision insurance (eligible on first date)**
**Career progression plans**
**Reward and recognition programs**
**Paid parental leave**
**Tuition Reimbursement**
**Company Wellness Program**
**Employee Discount Program**
Salary range:
$66,400.00 - $106,200.00
Join the global Xylem team to be a part of innovative technology solutions transforming water usage, conservation, and re-use. Our products impact public utilities, industrial sectors, residential areas, and commercial buildings, with a commitment to providing smart metering, network technologies, and advanced analytics for water, electric, and gas utilities. Partner with us in creating a world where water challenges are met with ingenuity and dedication; where we recognize the power of diversity, equity and inclusion in driving innovation and allowing us to compete more effectively around the world.
At Xylem, you'll not only contribute to solving water issues but also have the chance to make a difference through our paid Volunteer Program, Xylem Watermark. We embrace diversity and prioritize our employees' well-being through our DE&I initiatives and Employee Resource Groups (ERG). Proud to be an Equal Employment Opportunity (including disability and veterans) and Affirmative Action workplace, Xylem fosters an inclusive environment free from discrimination or harassment.
Please note that the information in this job description outlines the general nature of the position and is not an exhaustive list of duties. Xylem is dedicated to providing reasonable accommodations to enable all employees to perform their essential job functions. We reserve the right to modify this job description and assign additional duties as needed. Embrace the opportunity to be part of Xylem's transformative journey in shaping the future of water technology! #XylemCareers #GlobalImpact #WaterInnovation
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