OC Worldwide OCONUS World Wide OCONUS, GB
68 days ago
Generator Technician

The IMAP Generator technician is responsible for completing preventative maintenance and corrective maintenance in accordance with the IMAP Generator scope of work as described below.

Primary/Major Duties and Responsibilities (Essential Functions):

On the first day at Post, attend the In-Brief Meeting, and assist in relaying the Team’s plans to complete their SOW, and to field additional tasks requested by the Facility Manager (FM); as well as attending any Security Briefings. Assist teammates in coordinating access to PCC and other secure locations that might have limited access.  Work with teammates to coordinate any outages required for maintenance or repairs during the course of the visit, including a Facility Load Test for all generators. Take part in the tour of the facilities, and create inventory of equipment within the Team’s SOW for Preventative Maintenance (PM).  Assist teammates in updating the equipment inventory that the Team plans to PM during the visit.  Equipment within the IMAP Generator SOW includes, but is not limited to:  Generators, Automatic Transfer Switches, Load Banks, and Fuel Systems serving the Embassy Compound. Posts occasionally also ask for assistance servicing equipment that supports the Chief of Mission’s Residence (CMR), Deputy Chief of Mission’s Residence (DCMR), and other mission critical generators. Print-out or complete electronic versions of the International Maintenance Assistance Program (IMAP) checklists for each piece of equipment you plan to service. Complete PM on each piece of equipment within the IMAP Statement of Work (SOW) as dictated by the appropriate checklist, and as coordinated with other Teammates and the Team Leader. Fill out checklist for each piece of equipment PM’d and document all comments and findings in the ‘additional comments’ section of the checklist. Review any BME contracts that Post has to service their generator systems, and provide feedback on the performance and services that Post is receiving. Identify corrective maintenance items found during the course of PM, or requested by the FM, and estimate time and materials required. Verify with Post whether or not the required parts are available at Post, or can potentially be procured locally, if necessary. Relay that information to the appropriate Field Supervisor in order to seek approval from the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR). Once corrective maintenance is approved, complete the work required and test equipment after work is complete to verify proper functionality.  If any issues found cannot be resolved during the visit, they should be documented as a remaining deficiency and documented according to guidelines provided by Field Service Supervisor, including documentation of any parts required in the Bill of Materials for the visit. Ensure that all areas visited, or where work was performed, are properly cleaned and organized.  Wear proper Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) at all times when working on equipment, as required. Work with teammates to report and resolve (if possible) any life, health, or safety issues discovered at Post. Work with teammates to identify which portion of the final Service Report (SR) for the visit that you are responsible for (both high side and low side, if applicable) and complete that portion of the SR.  Create a Bill of Materials (BOM) to document all the recommended spare parts, repair parts, and tools associated with the equipment that you worked on during the visit. Work with the Locally Employed Staff (LES) whenever possible to complete on the job training while completing PM. If requested by Post, conduct dedicated training for the LES, above and beyond the normal On the Job Training (OJT) provided.  If dedicated training is completed, ensure that each attendee signs the training roster to document their attendance.  Include this signed roster with the completed SR. Communicate with your teammates on a daily basis to discuss the work you accomplished for the day, any issues you ran into that you need help resolving, concerns about the work being completed or the expected timeline of the visit, or concerns that you would like brought up to the Office Staff’s attention. Review all tickets, Electronic Country Clearances (eCC’s), and passports as they are received from the office, to verify that there are no issues or mistakes made that need to be resolved. Work with teammates to ensure that the FM is informed of and kept up-to-date regarding any issues that are encountered during the visit.  These could be issues related to the functionality of equipment, access issues, parts/materials needed, etc. Summarize a list of all generators serviced, observed running hours for each generator, date of manufacture for each generator, overall condition/status of each generator, whether or not a Facility Load Test was completed and if a Load Bank Test was completed in lieu of a Facility Load Test, and any issues or remaining deficiencies identified during the visit. Send this summary to the OBO Power Support group and the appropriate Field Service Supervisor. This summary should not include any information regarding PCC Generators or classified equipment if sent over OpenNet. Attend Out-Brief Meeting with all team members to relay the results of the PM and corrective maintenance that you completed.  Relay any remaining deficiencies that you were not able to resolve during the visit, as well as the BOM for any parts recommended, and the next steps Post needs to take to resolve the issues in question. Work with teammates to complete a Weekly Status Report (WSR) documenting all work orders completed to account for all hours that went towards completing that work. Work with teammates to discuss any concerns to plan around for your next break cycle.  Remember to be flexible, and work with all teammates to find a time that is agreeable for everyone. Complete a weekly Trip Expense Report (TER) to document all M&IE claimed, and any reimbursable expenses. Document your time using Costpoint on a daily basis, ensuring that you use the correct charge codes. Read and remain up-to-date on all expectations and duties outlined in the Field Operations Manual that pertain to you or your position. Stay up-to-date on your professional trade licenses and any applicable building code revisions. Complete a Danger Pay Verification form and have it signed by Post, if necessary. Send back any passports you don’t need to the IMAP Travel Manager ASAP to allow future visas to be procured.  Work with your Team Leader to send them back together, if possible.  Verify that any passports you send back don’t have visas that you need for your current trip, or any upcoming trips. Work with Team Leader to report any failures of company issued equipment or GFE to IMAP Logistics support group.

Deliverables may include:

Service Reports Fully complete and detailed PM checksheets for all equipment maintained Detailed Weekly Status Reports Complete and accurate Bill of Materials (BOM)
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