Seoul, Seoul Teugbyeolsi
3 days ago
Government Affairs Manager

Government Affairs Manager

[About Siemens Healthineers]

Siemens Healthineers is a leading medtech company with over 125 years of experience. Our portfolio, spanning from in-vitro and in-vivo diagnostics to image-guided therapy and innovative cancer care, is crucial for clinical decision-making and treatment pathways. With our strengths in patient twinning, precision therapy, as well as digital, data, and artificial intelligence (AI), we are well positioned to take on the biggest challenges in healthcare. We will continue to build on these strengths to help fight the world’s most threatening diseases, improving the quality of outcomes, and enabling access to care. We are a team of 66,000 highly dedicated employees across more than 70 countries passionately pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in healthcare to help improve people’s lives around the world.

·         Great Place to Work Institute 링크

·         자사 홈페이지 Great Place to Work 관련 기사 링크


The chosen candidate will be responsible for managing Siemens Healthineers’ Korea government affairs function. This role will provide critical support to policy and market-shaping strategies in Korea.

This position reports directly to the Vice President of Government Affairs for Asia-Pacific & Japan, based in Singapore.


·         Develop an impactful government relations and public policy strategy and agenda, prioritizing relevant resources, actions and outcomes.

·         Lead engagement with trade organizations and strategic industry groups to influence legislation, regulations and policies which may affect the industry, in order to advance Siemens Healthineers’ interests.

·         Drive and support market shaping activities with public sector partners, particularly related to digital healthcare solutions. 

·         Engage appropriately with key government officials, staff, and administrative agencies on issues of importance, such as improving outcomes for cancer, cardiovascular, and stroke patients in Korea.

·         Advise and counsel company executives on public policy and governmental matters, including pending legislation/regulations and any policy initiatives which may have potential implications to Siemens Healthineers.

·         Assist and guide government business transactions with Ministries of Health, Finance and other related government agencies, increasing the level of thought leadership. 

·         Initiate and facilitate collaboration with educational institutions, symposia, government agencies, and thought leaders to improve the adoption of best clinical practices.


·         5 - 7 years of governmental agency, government affairs, trade or industry association experience.

·         Knowledge of the medical device industry, healthcare industry or other highly-regulated industries-is considered extremely valuable.

Able to appropriately influence the political/policy process. Experience in public policy making processes; developing partnerships with trade associations and other industry partners to direct an agenda. Able to formulate and implement government relations and external affairs policies in Korea. Demonstrated ability to analyze key regulatory and policy issues in light of the company’s strategic goals, and focus on issues which advance or prohibit the company’s competitive business interests.

·         Visible confidence to effectively partner with internal business stakeholders.

·         Ability to communicate clearly and concisely both verbally and in writing.

·         Must be extremely well organized and a self-starter, able to work autonomously and with matrixed staff.

·         Undergraduate degree is mandatory. Fluency in Korean and English is required.

[Personal Characteristics]

·         Open-minded, able to apply social perceptiveness when guiding, facilitating or instructing others.

·         Positive, highly energetic, diplomatic, tenacious, with sound judgment and EQ.

·         High level of corporate professionalism, gravitas and political agility; analyze, negotiate, and influence at the right times.

·         Able to work flexibly under pressure, to tight deadlines and balance multiple and competing tasks gracefully.

·         Understand how to bring clarity to ambiguous situations, act decisively and graciously.

·         Think and act on their feet, execute broad strategies while appreciating the details.

·         Exemplary networking and influencing skills, able to partner effectively and form relationships with peers and management.

·         Strong project management skills, a track record of executing complex programs with speed and accuracy.

·         An uncompromising commitment towards ethical business practice and quality.

[Primary Stakeholders]

·         Internal: APJ Government Affairs Team; Korea Leadership Team & Business Area leaders (Sales, Service, Market Access, Marketing, etc.)

·         External: Health Ministry, Reimbursement Agencies, Finance Ministries and medical related government bodies, relevant trade associations, special-interest groups, think-tanks, academia, relevant political consultancies and NGOs.

[채용 조건]

- 고용형태 : 정규직

- 채용경력 : 경력 5-7년

- 근무지 : 지멘스헬시니어스 서울 본사 (강남역 위치)

- 급여 : 회사 내규에 따름

[복리후생 및 기타]

1. Work & Life Balance 

- 연차 기본 18개 제공(단, 입사 첫 해 월할 계산) 및 매년 1일 추가되며 상한선 없음

- 자율출퇴근 제도 : 오전 7~10시 중 자율 출근, 8시간 근무 후 퇴근

- 저녁 시간 회식 최소화 : 저녁 9시 이전 회식 종료

2. Benefit

- 자녀 학자금 지원 : 유치원부터 대학교까지 지원 (자녀수 제한 없음)

- 경조 휴가 및 경조금 지원 (결혼, 출산, 환갑, 칠순, 팔순, 사망 등)

- 의료비 지원 : 직원 및 배우자, 자녀의 실손보험 지원 (단체 상해보험 가입)

- 장기근속자 포상 : 근속년수 5년부터 5년 단위로 포상금 지급

- 종합검진 : 직원 본인 및 가족 1인 대상 무료 종합검진 지원

- 회사대출 : 주택구매 / 임차(최대 5천만원), 생활 안정 자금(최대 1천만원) 지원

- 법인콘도, 하계 휴양지 지원

- 연간 복지포인트 50만원 지급 

- 동호회 활동비 지원

- 출산 직원 선물 지급

3. Career Development Program

- 프로그램에 선발될 경우 독일 본사, 미국 본사 또는 Asia Pacific 국가로 장, 단기 파견 기회 또는 교육 프로그램 참여 기회 제공

- 업무 능력 향상을 위한 다양한 온라인/오프라인 교육 프로그램 제공


1. 채용사이트 접속 후 (

2. 직무를 검색 후 영문/국문 이력서를 첨부하여 지원 (키워드: 포지션명 or 위치 검색: 대한민국 (South Korea))


채용시 마감 (선접수 선면접 방식으로 진행하고 있습니다. 빠른 지원 바랍니다.)


- 서류전형 > 1차면접 >  2차면접 > 3차면접 > 최종합격

- 결과는 개별적으로 통보됩니다. (전형은 지원 업무에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다.)

* 국가보훈대상자와 신체장애자는 관련서류 제출시 관계법에 따라 우대합니다.

* 입사지원서 내용에 허위사실이 판명될 경우 입사가 취소될 수 있습니다.

* 영문 이름은 여권상의 이름과 동일하게 기재하십시오.

채용 과정에 불필요한 고유식별정보(주민등록번호, 여권번호, 운전면허번호, 외국인등록번호등)및 민감정보(종교, 정치, 건강문제 등), 용모, 키 등 신체조건, 출신지역, 혼인여부, 직계존비속의 직업 등은 기재하지 마십시오.


당사 채용에 지원하여 최종합격이 되지 못한 지원자는 최종 합격자 발표일 이후 60일 이내에 제출한 채용서류의 반환을 청구할 수 있습니다.

단, 홈페이지 또는 전자우편으로 제출된 경우나 지원자가 당사의 요구 없이 자발적으로 제출한 경우에는 그러하지 아니하며, 천재지변이나 그 밖에 당사에 책임 없는 사유로 채용서류가 멸살된 경우에는 반환의무를 이행한 것으로 봅니다.

채용서류 반환을 원하시는 경우, 당사 채용담당자 ( 에게 요청해 주시기 바랍니다.

반환 청구에 대비하여 반환 청구기간까지 채용서류를 보관하게 되며, 이후에는 ‘개인정보보호법’에 따라 채용서류를 파기하므로 반환이 불가합니다.


문의사항은로 부탁드립니다.

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