Offsite and Onsite in Ashgabat
5 days ago
International Trade Expert, USAID Trade Central Asia Activity


The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Trade Central Asia (TCA) activity aims to improve region-wide trade connectivity to accelerate economic growth and increase economic opportunity in Central Asia through harmonization of customs and border procedures, increasing public-private dialogue on trade and investment, improving cross-border firm-to-firm connectivity, and addressing gender-relevant trade issues.

Since 2013, USAID has supported the Government of Turkmenistan’s (GoT) efforts to pursue World Trade Organization (WTO) accession. In doing so, USAID has arranged high-level conferences, conducted capacity-building events, commissioned several policy papers, and plans to continue its technical assistance.

The Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan approached TCA requesting to deliver training on Market access in the context of WTO. To negotiate favorable market access conditions, the main elements, terminology, procedures, and precise meanings of the main concepts related to market access conditions, including the differences between tariff and non-tariff barriers and their particularities, should be well comprehended. Such an understanding will facilitate identifying beneficial accession commitments, i.e., commitments permitting a country to benefit from WTO advantages while complying with the commitments and obligations arising from WTO accession.


This consultancy aims to build capacity among government officials and future trade negotiators, equipping them with the knowledge and skills required to effectively handle market access negotiations as part of the country's accession to the WTO. The training will be a vital component of Turkmenistan’s strategy to successfully join the WTO, marking a significant milestone in the country’s economic development and international integration efforts. It aims to build the capacity of public sector officials to ensure that Turkmenistan can negotiate favorable terms of entry into the WTO and implement the necessary reforms to fully benefit from membership.


1.    Develop Training Material (LoE: 8 days, offsite):

Training materials shall include agenda of the workshop,  ppt slides,  case studies and practical exercises which address the general context and main issues of the Market Access, including but is not limited to the following topics:

·       Market Access: Definition, importance, and its role in global trade;

·       WTO Agreements: Key agreements related to market access (e.g., GATT, TRIPS, GATS)

·       Schedules of Concessions and the WCO Harmonized System (HS).

·       Modification and Negotiations of the schedules of Concessions (GATT Articles XXVIII and XXVII bis).

·       Tariffs negotiations.

·       Tariff and Non-tariff barriers (NTBs). Main features and characteristics of some NTBs in the WTO – Annex 1A of the WTO Agreement.

·       Existing tariff schedules of member countries in determination of the level of duties imposed on various goods.

·       Market Access for Developing Countries

·       Preferential Trade Agreements

·       Other relevant topics on Market Access.

2.     Arrange in-person Training Delivery (LoE: 3 days, onsite in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, o-a November 12-14, 2024):

·       Deliver in-person training sessions for around 35 public sector officials with a combination of lectures, case studies, group discussions, and hands-on exercises to ensure participants gain a deep and practical understanding of market access in the context of WTO accession.

·       During the training, conduct question-and-answer sessions to address specific challenges faced by participants’ countries or organizations in the WTO accession process.

3.    Provide TCA End-of-assignment Report (LoE: 1-day offsite):

·       Prepare an End-of-Assignment report in English language using the TCA’s template, summarizing the delivered training program and findings thereof.





Proof of delivery

Submission schedule


·    Developed training materials in English language.

·    All ppt slides shall comply with USAID branding requirements.

8 days

·   MS PowerPoint presentations, Reading materials, hand-outs, case studies, and exercises.

·   A list of reviewed literature.

·   5 days before the course starts


·     Conducted in-person training course onsite to address specific queries and concerns raised Government officials.


3 days

Signed off the registration list of training participants.


o-a November 12, 13, 14 of 2024


End of Assignment report in English on a USAID TCA’s provided template report.

1 day

The report should contain the following sections:

·       Executive summary

·       Training Methodologies used.

·       challenges during course delivery.

·       key observations.

·       lessons learned and suggestions for improvement.

·       recommended areas for capacity building on WTO issues in Turkmenistan.


·       list of participants

·       list of developed materials.







5 calendar days after the assignment



The consultant will report directly to TCA’s Country Director in Turkmenistan and/or TCA’s Chief of Party or his designee.


·       Master’s degree or PhD in economics, law or international trade-related area.

·       At least 10 years of working experience in international trade, market access within the framework of the WTO, including negotiations and multilateral trade agreements.

·       Experience in the Market Access Division of WTO.

·       Excellent understanding of GATT / WTO Agreements and all aspects related to market access under the WTO framework, including Trade Facilitation, Customs Valuation, Import Licensing, E-commerce, Technical Barriers to Trade, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Agriculture, Information Technology Agreement, Rules of Origin, Trade and Environment, and Tariff Quota Rates.

·       Strong trainer’s experience (e.g., preparation of course materials and delivering seminars and workshops for host Governments, international development organizations) or similar is an advantage.

·       Working experience conducting assessment and analysis of Tariff Barriers used for trade policy analysis in post-soviet countries is an advantage.

·       Excellent English language

Please send your CV and letter of interest to the email address with vacancy title “International Trade Expert” in the subject line. Deadline for applications is 30 September, 2024.  Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No phone inquiries, please.

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