3 days ago
IOT Cloud Architect

CGBU ECP/IOT software development team is looking for a Cloud Software Architect with expertise in building highly scalable enterprise applications on Oracle Cloud. We’re looking for transformational technical leader with expertise in OCI technologies and passion in solving difficult problems in distributed systems, virtualized infrastructure, and highly available services. You will envision, collaborate and architect new features and services on Oracle Cloud in Enterprise Communications Space.


Provide leadership and expertise in the development of new products/services/processes, frequently operating at the leading edge of technology. Recommends and justifies major changes to existing products/services/processes. BS or MS degree or equivalent experience relevant to functional area. 8 or more years of software engineering or related experience.


BS or MS degree in computer science, or equivalent Have at least 10+ years of experience building and supporting scalable, highly available, and secure infrastructure on public cloud platforms like OCI, AWS, Azure or GCP. Working familiarity with networking protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP) and standard network architectures. Experience with a broad range of enterprise technologies – Java, J2EE, REST APIs & Web Services. Experience with security and IDCS including deploying applications that integrate with large scale REST based services Strong understanding of databases, NoSQL systems, storage and distributed persistence technologies. Experience building multi-tenant, virtualized infrastructure a strong plus Experience with Cloud Applications Development, DevOps, and DevSecOps methodologies and practices. Excellent communication (verbal and written) and interpersonal skills and an ability to effectively communicate with both business and technical teams. Ability to make clear, concise and compelling presentations

The ideal candidate will have the following skills:

Experience with Oracle OCI & Hybrid services. Ability to work in a fast paced and challenging environment. Experience working on agile development teams. Knowledge of Micro-Services architecture Containerization (Docker, Kubernetes) Experience with telemetry, observability, and analytics tool/applications, such as ELK, Kibana, Grafana, Prometheus, and Splunk Experience with IoT protocols like MQTT and REST will be a strong plus.


Participate in entire software lifecycle from development, testing and CI to production operations Balance between product architecture, product feature development, product security and production operational concerns Take initiative and be responsible for delivering complex software by working effectively with the team and broader set of stakeholders



Reimaging communications to connect the world

Gone are the days where telecommunications were synonymous with pure networking protocols. In the world of tech, disruption is the name of the game. Driven by 5G, IoT, analytics and cloud technologies, this disruption is happening at the core of the telecom network, impacting the way we communicate, work, study and consume entertainment services. And it is not just at the network level. 5G, edge, IoT, AI/ML, analytics and cloud technologies are the underlying fabric of an entire ecosystem of fully connected intelligent sensors and devices, capable of overhauling economic and business policies, and further blurring geographical and cultural borders. When these technologies come together, they are capable of delivering at every rung of the ecosystem’s ladder, and spark innovations that will have a profound impact on social and lifestyle shifts, which affect the way we do business and drive the next generation of technological development.

We are the Communications Global Business Unit in Oracle, where IT meets network!

We believe that the essence of us as a society is fulfilled by the communications that we have and the interactions that we enjoy with one another. And now more than ever, these interactions are becoming enriched with machine to machine and machine to everything. Proud of our 40+ years of heritage and expertise in helping our customers in the areas most critical for them in security, signaling and policy, we are leveraging the Oracle Cloud DNA to help our customers capitalize on emerging technologies to ultimately drive differentiation and deliver a competitive edge for their organization. Driven by a DevOps culture, we aim to deliver continuous innovation into our customers’ CI/CD pipelines, with the power of ML, AI, automation and analytics to help them create, test and deploy services in a more agile, secure and flexible way.

Do you have the “right brain telco”, “left brain IT” mentality? Do you want to be at the forefront of delivering ground breaking IT technologies into the core of telecoms networks? Do you thrive in a DevOps culture fueled by collaboration and open communication? If you enjoy working within highly skilled, multicultural teams and are passionate about cloud technologies, AI/ML, analytics, automation, 5G, edge, IoT and communications technologies, come join us as we re-imagine communications to connect the world.  Our mission is to be the most trusted provider of multi-generational network solutions. We thrive to deliver high quality products and services by investing in our people and delighting our customers. If you are passionate about customer centricity, strive to deliver the highest quality and value creativity then we want to hear from you.


Career Level - IC5

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