· MDL stands for the regulatory reporting projects in SSB Intl GmbH (GmbH). With the GmbH based in Germany, it has to fill in the German regulatory requirements, not only for its Munich branch but also for its other branches: Luxemburg, Milan, Amsterdam, France, Vienna and Switzerland. Besides the continuous updated regulatory requirements, it will also provide solutions for the BAU items and Audit Findings.
· MDL is the key database of this project. Various Deals, reference data, credit data are collected from different corporate key systems, e.g. MCH, FDR, ESP, SPD, IBS, Sun, Oracle, WSS, WSO, Icash etc., and fed in to MDL, where all the data will be transformed and processed. Meanwhile MDL has been developed over ten years and enhanced for multiple requirements. Most of the data processing is done in different store procedures. But the documentation is limit, which increases the SQL analyze work.
This is the analysis leader role of the MDL team.
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