7 days ago
IT - Technology Architect, Magento Rest Webservices, REST, Soap, Webservices
Job Seekers, Please send resumes to Job Details:
Must Have Skills (Top 3 technical skills only):Java Application Development (Web applications, JMS Enterprise Messaging(IBM MQ or RabbitMQ or ActiveMQJava Frameworks(Spring, Struts, Camel, ActiveMQ, JDBC) and Java Containers(Tomcat, ServiceMix)Java J2SE 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7Nice to have skills (Top 2 only):SQL, PLSQLDetailed Job Description:
Project involves working on the data warehousing application for a leading pharmacy retailer.
Minimum years of experience: 5+
Certifications Needed: No
Top 3 responsibilities you to shoulder and execute:Requirement gathering and elaborationArchitecture and DesignCoding, Code review, Coding standardInterview Process (Is face to face required?): No.
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