7 days ago
IT - Test Analyst | Mobile Testing | BDD, TDD, ATDD for Mobile T
Job Seekers, Please send resumes to Job Details:

Must Have Skills:
test automation for web and mobilejava , agile, api tetsing,continuous integrationexposure to working as lead, good communication skill.Detailed Job Description:

Strong hands on experience in web and mobile automation, Selenium, cucumber, BDD.Good knowledge of core Java.Exposure to working on continuous integration tools like Jenkins.Exposure to working for retail ecommerce projects.Working experience on cloud tools like Saucelabs, Perfectomobile will be an added advantage.
Minimum years of experience: 5+

Certifications Needed: No

Top 3 responsibilities you to shoulder and execute:
test automation scripting and executiontets case preparation, coordination with offshore, vendors clienttest reporting, defect triage meetings.
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