Kampala, UG
189 days ago
Justice Systems Analysis Toolkit Development Consultant

Methodology and location of assignment

Number of consultant(s): Individual consultants, or teams of consultants can bid for this call. In case of a team of consultants, please specify the role and deliverables of each team member.Duration: Up to 40 working / consultancy DaysCountry Program:    Violence Prevention and Response Unit.Proposed dates for the Consultancy: January – April 2024, with possible flexibility on deliverable timeframes based on submitted workplans.Location of assignment: Flexible / global.Work arrangement: RemoteContext in which the tools will be used: The toolkit will be piloted in Mali, South Sudan and Iraq. However, the ambition is that the tools are global and can be adapted for use in various contexts.

Background of the project 

In times of crisis, access to justice by affected populations – whether to informal or formal justice systems – is often deprioritized. Access to justice is frequently considered a development issue or a very sensitive type of programming. During crisis, particularly those characterized with rights violations, there are often perceptions by humanitarian actors that the existing systems may not be of interest or even harmful to victims of violence, and can reinforce discrimination, inequality and practices of violence.[1] And yet still, even in these situations, women, girls, boys, men, person with disabilities and LGBTQIA+ continue to seek justice through these structures which in some instances can lead to more harm. Because humanitarian actors are either unwilling or lacking capacity and understanding on how to navigate the justice mechanisms, humanitarian action tends to exclude access to justice or include it in a very limited way at the onset of a crisis and in humanitarian response plans.

The IRC has launched a new two-year initiative entitled, ‘Strengthening capacity to deliver access to justice programmes for crisis affected populations’ funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) – from April 2023 – March 2025.   This project aims to strengthen capacity to deliver A2J programming in crisis. The project will support analysis of formal and informal A2J systems with linkages to operational action in prevention and response to protection risks in crisis contexts.  This initiative will deliver improved protection to crisis affected people through strengthening legal protection programming and ensuring that tools are available for A2J programming in humanitarian responses that are grounded in high quality needs analysis.

The project will take the global conceptual framework of A2J programming and develop operational crisis response A2J tools reinforcing community driven approaches for A2J programming. The project aims to achieve two major results:

Result 1: Strengthened capacity to understand justice systems in times of crises.

Deliverable: Access to Justice Toolkit that enables in-depth analysis of justice systems.

Result 2: Adapted paralegal approach to humanitarian crises.

Deliverable: Community Empowerment Paralegal Toolkit and Training Manual

Scope of Work:

The Consultant will develop a suite of global legal analysis tools to support the analysis of justice systems (result 1 of Project) in times of crisis, and translating analysis findings into action.

Under this contract, the consultant’s support will help achieve the following objective and deliverables:

Objective: The core legal analysis for legal strategy tools are developed and ready for piloting

Deliverable 1: Core global tool to support launching & piloting of a legal framework and legal needs analysis tools are developed. 


1.1 – Develop methodologies and resources package to support legal framework and legal needs desk review processes in country

This will include and is not limited to:

Legal analysis methodology and framework briefing notes.Legal analysis report template to guide and orient desk review.Legal analysis risk factsheet.

1.2  - Develop data collection and legal assessment tools, which can include and is not limited to

Legal analysis question bank (with support of IM staff) Customary and Informal Justice Analysis Guidance and Template

1.3 Develop tools, guidance and template to support data analysis process.

Legal analysis dashboard / key indicators

Deliverable 2: The consultant will develop tools to guide the development of a legal context and needs-based access to justice strategy, guided by the result of the legal analysis.


2.1 – Develop guidance, templates and resources package to support Access to justice strategy development based on the legal analysis results.

Legal protection strategy template and guidance(Legal protection strategy) Implementation template (Legal protection strategy) Budget and workplan template

[1] https://www.un.org/ruleoflaw/files/UNDP%20DoingJusticeEwaWojkowska130307.pdf

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