10 days ago
Key expert 1: Imprest Administrator and Team leader / Principal Advisor / Business Environment expert (Replacement)

For Project: Technical Assistance to Inclusive Regulatory Environment Conducive to Business and Investment in Zambia

The overall objective (Impact) to which this action contributes is: sustainable and inclusive economic growth and job creation in Zambia through an improved business climate and green investment opportunities in Zambia.

The specific objectives (Outcomes) of this contract are as follows:

Outcome 1:  The Business Regulatory Review Agency (BRRA) and selected regulatory bodies are institutionally strengthened.Outcome 2:  Regulatory Service Centres (RSCs) in selected provinces are operationalised. Outcome 3:   One-Stop Shop Integration System (OSSIS) and e-Registry are improved.Outcome 4:  The Single Licensing System (SLS) in selected priority economic sectors is set up and operationalised.Outcome 5:  The existing Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) platform is strengthened. Outcome 6:  The policy and regulatory framework for business are streamlined.Outcome 7:  National Green Growth Strategy is finalised, launched and implemented.

DAI is looking to recruit  Key expert 1: Imprest Administrator and Team leader / Principal Advisor / Business Environment expert (Replacement)

The Team Leader is the Principal Advisor to the MoCTI on this project and the Imprest Administrator of the PE. S/he will report to the Director of Planning and Information of MoCTI as chairperson of the TWG. S/he will be responsible for providing the government counterparts with technical advice and support on all matters pertaining to the implementation of the project. In addition, as team leader, s/he will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the project, including planning, coordination, ensuring that outputs are delivered, and that the overall quality of the services provided is maintained at high standards. The Team Leader will have overall responsibility for the smooth and timely implementation of the project activities, the efficient and effective use of project resources and for the coordination of the KE and NKE intervening in the project. As Team Leader, the expert will also be responsible for engagement and coordination with the stakeholders, and with the project teams implementing the other components of the EGSP programme

As PE Imprest Administrator, he/she will be in charge of the PE formulation, s/he will seek the approval of the MCTI after consultation with MoGEE and by the Authorising officer, and ensure the PE timely and quality implementation. In implementing the imprest component of the PE, the Imprest Administrator, jointly with the Imprest Accounting Officer, is also responsible for all expenditure commitments, payment authorisations and recoveries.

Qualifications and skills

A Master's Degree - or equivalent2 qualification in: business and/or social sciences related field, such as economics, business administration, development studies and/or law – minimum requirement.Fluency in both oral and written English to a C13 level of proficiency – minimum requirement.Excellent presentation and report writing skills – minimum requirement 

General professional experience

At least 8 years of post-graduation working experience as a programme manager of projects in developing countries with at least one project with a minimum budget of 1 M EUR – minimum requirement.Computer literacy and proficiency (MS Word, Excel, Power Point Presentation etc.) – minimum requirement.Multi-annual experience in capacity building and training – preferred requirement.Experience  in  setting up  monitoring systems  for  complex  programmes  –  preferred requirement.At least 2 years of working experience in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region – preferred requirement.

Specific professional experience

At least 10 years of relevant post-graduation professional experience5, in any of the following fields: designing and implementing business environment and/or investment climate reforms projects; designing and implementation of economic or business sector reforms – minimum requirement.Proven and successful experience as a team leader or project director in TA programmes – minimum requirement.Previous experience in implementing donor-funded programmes in private sector development – preferred requirement.At least one experience in Programme Estimate management – preferred requirement.

Starting date: ASAP

End of the project: April 2027

Input: total of 360 working days (part-time)

Location: This project has a national scope, but the operational base will be Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia. The TA team will be based in Lusaka and will have occasional travel to the districts and provinces, as required for implementation, monitoring and evaluation of activities related to Component 1 of the EGSP. 

Interested candidates shall send their CV  in English asap, not later than 31 of January 2025!

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted!




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