Manager, High Potential Advisor Engagement
As Manager for High Potential Advisor Engagement, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the success and stability of our business. Your responsibilities will encompass engaging with the different segments of Advisors identifying early potential and facilitating capacity building as well as developing those who are in the higher productivity segments with the goal of increasing the number of the high potential Advisor cohort. This role also requires you to engage with Agency Leaders to get their support in fostering the development of Advisors in their respective sales teams and adopting programs, tools and initiatives to make this happen.
**Position Responsibilities:**
+ • Implement the Top-Tier Vision and Strategy by helping craft communication plans, tools materials utilizing market intelligence and deep commercial awareness and knowledge on market best practices.• Coordinate with various back office and enablement teams to develop and drive business support systems and structures.• Actively manage and conduct Advisor cohort segmentation and associated development programs, reports and interventions.• Analyze data to gather insights to be shared / discussed with Zone Sales Management Team and use the same to conceptualize, develop and validate Advisor segmentation programs and incentives.• Review and develop the Manulife Agency System to enable the execution of the strategic priorities to grow the top-tier segments and implement programs that foster the ambition to move lower-level production qualifiers to higher productivity segments.• Embed the Manulife Agency Systems as part of the Advisor cohort management system• Conduct field audits, interviews and inspections on the utilization of Manulife performance management tools and develop solutions and action plans to address performance gaps in collaboration with the zone teams• Promote usage of the Manulife tools to increase utilization and drive performance by building capacity as well as influencing High Potential Advisors to adopt as well as enlist the support of the Agency Leaders in using more scalable ways of doing the business.• Mitigate conflicts and builds consensus in leading projects and activities for the High Potential Advisor segments.
**Success measures:**
Tier 1 KPIs
+ \# of Honor Club qualifiers
+ Year-on-Year Increase of Honor Club cohorts
+ NBV from health and long-term savings propositions
+ NBV from top tier segment
Tier 2 KPIs
+ MDRTs / Aspirants cohorts % achievement
+ Consecutive Year MDRT qualifiers
+ Health and Savings accredited top tier segment
**Required Qualifications:**
+ Bachelor's degree business, economics, management, or marketing.
+ At least 5 years of experience in agency and sales management in a Life Insurance setting.
+ Has held key position relative to the job, preferably leading sales management team within an insurance organization
+ Experienced in developing and implementing strategy, business plans, and programs relative to the job.
+ Good business and financial acumen
+ The ability to work accurately and independently and with a team.
+ Good verbal and written communication and platform skills.
+ An eye for detail along with excellent analytical skills.
+ Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
+ High sense of business ethics and professionalism
**When you join our team:**
+ We’ll empower you to learn and grow the career you want.
+ We’ll recognize and support you in a flexible environment where well-being and inclusion are more than just words.
+ As part of our global team, we’ll support you in shaping the future you want to see.
**Tentang Manulife dan John Hancock**
Manulife Financial Corporation adalah grup layanan keuangan internasional yang membantu memudahkan keputusan dan membuat hidup lebih baik bagi nasabah. Dengan kantor utama kami di Toronto, Kanada, kami beroperasi sebagai Manulife di seluruh kantor kami di Asia, Kanada, dan Eropa, serta utamanya sebagai John Hancock di Amerika Serikat. Kami menyediakan nasihat keuangan, asuransi, serta solusi manajemen kekayaan dan aset untuk individu, grup, dan lembaga. Pada akhir tahun 2022, kami memiliki lebih dari 40.000 karyawan, lebih dari 116.000 agen, dan ribuan mitra distribusi yang melayani lebih dari 34 juta nasabah. Pada akhir tahun 2022, kami memiliki $1,3 triliun (US$1,0 triliun) dalam aset yang dikelola dan administrasi, termasuk total aset yang diinvestasikan sebesar $0,4 triliun (US$0,3 triliun), dan aset bersih dana terpisah sebesar $0,3 triliun (US$0,3 triliun). Kami terdaftar dengan kode ‘MFC’ di bursa efek Toronto, New York, dan Filipina, serta ‘945’ di bursa efek Hong Kong.
**Manulife adalah Perusahaan dengan Kesetaraan Kesempatan Kerja**
Di Manulife/John Hancock, kita merayakan keragaman. Kita berusaha menarik, mengembangkan, dan mempertahankan tenaga kerja yang sama beragamnya dengan nasabah yang kita layani dan untuk mengembangkan lingkungan kerja inklusif yang menerima kekuatan budaya dan individu. Kita berkomitmen untuk melaksanakan rekrutmen, retensi, peningkatan, dan kompensasi secara adil, dan kita mengatur semua praktik dan program tanpa adanya diskriminasi. Baik itu diskriminasi karena ras, keturunan, tempat asal, warna kulit, asal etnis, kewarganegaraan, agama atau keyakinan agama, kepercayaan, jenis kelamin (termasuk kehamilan dan kondisi terkait kehamilan), orientasi seksual, karakteristik genetika, status veteran, identitas gender, ekspresi gender, usia, status pernikahan, status keluarga, disabilitas, maupun alasan lain yang dilindungi oleh hukum yang berlaku.
Menyediakan akses hubungan kerja yang adil merupakan prioritas utama kita. Seorang perwakilan Human Resources akan bekerja dengan pelamar yang meminta akomodasi yang wajar selama proses lamaran kerja. Seluruh informasi yang dibagikan selama proses permohonan akomodasi akan disimpan dan digunakan dengan cara yang sesuai dengan hukum dan kebijakan Manulife/John Hancock yang berlaku. Untuk meminta akomodasi yang wajar selama proses lamaran kerja, silakan hubungi .
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