Manager, Solution ENG PM, JCFS
オペレーション技術統括本部(JCFS: Japan Customer Fulfillment Solutions)はAmazon Japanオペレーションの技術開発部門として、物流プロセス、設備、自動化技術の設計・開発・導入・改善を行います。JCFSのミッションは技術革新を通じて「品揃え」「低価格」「利便性」を継続的に向上させること、そして顧客ニーズに合わせた次世代のFulfilment Solutionsを創出し最高の購買体験を実現することです。その中でもSolution Engineering部門はHardware、Software、プロセス、梱包材といった幅広い分野における技術およびサービスの開発・実装を担い、常に業界の最先端を進むAmazon Japanを支えています。Solution Eng. PMチームはSolution Engineering部門に所属し、本部門が進める多様な開発・実装プロジェクトの成功に必要なリソース(ヒト・モノ・カネ)計画の作成と管理、Solution EngineeringおよびJCFS内外部門との情報連携、プロジェクト成果評価、そしてプロセス標準化と変更管理といったプログラムマネジメント機能を担います。
Solution ENG. PM Managerは各メンバーが行うリソース作成・管理や、他部門との連携、プログラムマネジメントの全体運行管理を担い、Solution Engineering部門のゴール達成にコミットします。特に、Solution Engineering部門のプロジェクト投資計画および収益成果を見える化するインフラとプロセスの実装と定着をリーダーとして推進し、部門全体で予実分析からの示唆抽出と今後の改善を導くことができる基礎を築き支えます。また、ManagerはSolution Engineering部門の計画および予実管理結果をドキュメントにまとめ、Amazon Japan Leadershipへ報告します。最後に、このRoleはSolution Engineering部門の成果を最大化するために、どのようにタイムリーにヒト・モノ・カネ・情報を収集・管理し、かつ組織横断の連携を深めるか、PM活動戦略を考えて実行に移すことが期待されます。
Japan Customer Fulfillment Solutions (JCFS) develops innovative fulfillment and automation solutions to deliver excellent customer experience. Our mission is to continuously improve item selection and convenience at a lower price through technological innovations and update our fulfillment solutions to meet fast-changing customer needs. The Solution Engineering department is responsible for the development and implementation of technologies and services across a wide range of fields including Hardware, Software, Processes, and Packaging Materials, supporting Amazon Japan in maintaining its position at the industry's forefront. The Solution Eng. PM team, which belongs to the Solution Engineering department, handles project management functions necessary for the success of various projects within the department. These functions include planning and managing department’s resources (People, Materials, Money), facilitating communication within/between Solution Engineering and other internal/external departments, evaluating project outcomes, and driving process standardization and change management.
JCFS seeks a Solution Eng. PM Manger, who oversees the overall operation of Solution Engineering’s resource management, cross-departmental collaboration, and program management performed by the PM team members. Specifically, as a leader, this role drives the establishment of infrastructure and processes that visualize the department's investments and financial/engineering outcomes, which helps extract insights from completed projects and guide future improvements. Additionally, the Manager documents and reports the department's project plans and results to Amazon Japan Leadership. Finally, this role is expected to develop and execute PM action strategies that maximize the department's outcomes.
Solution ENG. PM Managerは各メンバーが行うリソース作成・管理や、他部門との連携、プログラムマネジメントの全体運行管理を担い、Solution Engineering部門のゴール達成にコミットします。特に、Solution Engineering部門のプロジェクト投資計画および収益成果を見える化するインフラとプロセスの実装と定着をリーダーとして推進し、部門全体で予実分析からの示唆抽出と今後の改善を導くことができる基礎を築き支えます。また、ManagerはSolution Engineering部門の計画および予実管理結果をドキュメントにまとめ、Amazon Japan Leadershipへ報告します。最後に、このRoleはSolution Engineering部門の成果を最大化するために、どのようにタイムリーにヒト・モノ・カネ・情報を収集・管理し、かつ組織横断の連携を深めるか、PM活動戦略を考えて実行に移すことが期待されます。
Japan Customer Fulfillment Solutions (JCFS) develops innovative fulfillment and automation solutions to deliver excellent customer experience. Our mission is to continuously improve item selection and convenience at a lower price through technological innovations and update our fulfillment solutions to meet fast-changing customer needs. The Solution Engineering department is responsible for the development and implementation of technologies and services across a wide range of fields including Hardware, Software, Processes, and Packaging Materials, supporting Amazon Japan in maintaining its position at the industry's forefront. The Solution Eng. PM team, which belongs to the Solution Engineering department, handles project management functions necessary for the success of various projects within the department. These functions include planning and managing department’s resources (People, Materials, Money), facilitating communication within/between Solution Engineering and other internal/external departments, evaluating project outcomes, and driving process standardization and change management.
JCFS seeks a Solution Eng. PM Manger, who oversees the overall operation of Solution Engineering’s resource management, cross-departmental collaboration, and program management performed by the PM team members. Specifically, as a leader, this role drives the establishment of infrastructure and processes that visualize the department's investments and financial/engineering outcomes, which helps extract insights from completed projects and guide future improvements. Additionally, the Manager documents and reports the department's project plans and results to Amazon Japan Leadership. Finally, this role is expected to develop and execute PM action strategies that maximize the department's outcomes.
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