Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
3 days ago
Marketing and Content Manager

SEO and Video Marketing Manager

This is a remote position. Full-Time | 40 Hours Per Week P50,000-60,000 take-home pay per month 06:00 AM - 02:00 PM PHT Manila

Key Responsibilities and Timeline

First 2 Weeks:

Orientation and Training: Understand company values, the scope of services, and the specific IT verticals catered to. Begin training on database management, social media platforms, SEO basics, and video editing tools.

Database Management: Initiate audit of the current database for accuracy and : completeness. Identify immediate areas for improvement.

First Month:

Social Media Engagement: Start creating and scheduling content across social media platforms to increase brand engagement. Implement a content calendar.

Database Optimization: Complete the database audit and begin implementing changes to ensure accurate and up-to-date information. Establish a routine for regular database maintenance.

Administrative Support: Take over management of the company inbox, ensuring timely responses and organization.

First 90 Days:

SEO and Website Management: Apply basic SEO strategies to the company's website and monitor performance. Seek opportunities for learning advanced SEO tactics if not already skilled.

Social Media Strategy Refinement: Analyze the impact of the initial social media efforts. Adjust the strategy based on engagement metrics and feedback to increase effectiveness.

Candidate Experience Improvement: Implement a system for periodic follow-ups with candidates post-recruitment process to enhance customer service and gather feedback.

In 180 Days:

Advanced SEO Implementation: Begin applying more advanced SEO strategies to further enhance website visibility and performance.

Content Creation Expansion: Start incorporating video content into the social media strategy. Utilize basic video editing skills to create engaging content.

Process Optimization: Review and refine administrative and database management processes based on the initial months' experiences. Implement any changes to improve efficiency and accuracy.

In a Year’s Time:

Strategic Contribution: Contribute to strategic discussions on improving internal processes and candidate experience based on a year's worth of data and insights.

Brand Presence and Engagement: Achieve noticeable growth in online engagement and community interaction through effective content and SEO strategies.

Operational Excellence: Establish a robust system for database management, administrative support, and digital content creation that consistently supports the company's growth and efficiency objectives.

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