• Familiar with STM32 series ARM microcontrollers
• Familiar with AVR (ATMEGA) series microcontrollers
• Familiar with programming microcontrollers with Embedded C and C++ language
• Complete familiarity with Keil/IAR programming environments and Working with the debugger and its troubleshooting processes
• Good command of English and understanding of technical content
• Programming experience in the Windows environment to communicate with the microcontroller and transfer data
• Familiarity with programming under the free RTOS operating system
• Familiarity with Touchgfx graphic interface programming
• Familiarity with Git
Familiarity with the following skills is considered an advantage:
• Familiarity with Bootloader writing for microcontrollers
• Familiarity with industrial protocols such as Modbus and SNMP
• Working with graphic LCD, TFT and touch types