ING Hubs Philippines is one of the fastest-growing delivery hubs for ING Group. It serves a variety of business domains including KYC, Risk, and Tech. The IT Engineering Department caters to the tech and software development needs of different ING Entities including Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Australia, and Germany.
As a member of the operating team, are you responsible for the secure and high-performance operation of a large bank. As an engineer, you are expected to:
Working carefully in a banking environment
Display problem-solving ability and strong analytical skills
Be able to work alone or pair up in a team
Be proactive in gathering information
Be available for out of hours support as required
Have experience working in an agile organization
Communicate (written/verbal) precisely in a professional environment
Knowledge & Skills:
Operation of JEE applications under Linux (RHEL, JBoss, Tomcat, NGinx)
Parameterization/performance analysis
Certificates, key storage
Working with Azure Board and Azure Pipelines
Knowledge of an HA infrastructure (2 data centers, load balancers, firewalls, etc.)
Use of central log file systems (Filebeat, ELK, Kibana, Grafana)
Knowledge of monitoring applications (Prometheus, Nagios, Introscope)
Knowledge of automation tools (Azure Pipeline, Ansible Tower, etc.)
Scripting languages (Ansible Plybooks, Bash, Python)