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Job Description
PLACE OF EXAMINATION AND INTERVIEW: DSWD Central Office, IBP Road, Batasan Complex, Constitution Hills, Quezon City
We wish to inform you that the Department of Social Welfare and Development – Central Office has one (1) vacant permanent position with details as follows:
Item Number
SG 24 (Php 90, 078.00)
Place of Assignment
Internal Audit Service - Management Audit Division
Master’s degree[1] or Certificate in Leadership and Management from the CSC /
Career Executive Service (CES) or Career Service Executive (CSE) eligible[2] /
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Forty (40) hours of supervisory/management learning and development intervention
Four (4) years of supervisory/management experience
Career Service (Professional)/Second (2nd) Level Eligibility / Certified Public Accountant (CPA) (RA 1080)
Preferably Bachelor’s degree in Law
Master’s degree in Accountancy, Engineering, Public Administration, Computer Science and Information
Technology may also be considered
Doctoral degree on the above-cited professions
Forty (40) hours of training in management and supervision and development international and/or
forty (40) hours of relevant training on International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal
Auditing (IPPF) by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IAA) or those sponsored trainings by the Integrated
Bar of the Philippines (IBP), Philippine Institute of of Civil Engineers (PICE), Institute of Electronics
Engineers of the Philippines, Incorporated (IECEP), Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(PICPA) and The Government Association of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. (GACPA) that are relevant
and related to Internal Auditing and Information Technology
Four (4) years in position/s involving management and supervision and minimum of four (4) years relevant
experience in auditing, investigation, information technology, civil works
Career Service (Professional)/Second (2nd) Level Eligibility, Certified Public Accountant,
Certified Internal Auditor, RA 1080 (BAR)
Under direct supervision of the IAS Director and supervises a division tasked with internal audit functions.
Functions and Responsibilities:
General Functions
1. Under direction of the IAS Director, supervises a division tasked with internal audit functions;
2. Establishes the annual goals, objectives and performance targets;
3. Establishes internal auditing standards, guidelines and procedures for the guidance of the internal audit staff;
4. Does final review of internal audit plans and work programs prior to the approval of the Director;
5. Reviews and endorses internal audit report for approval by the Director;
6. Determines training needs of internal audit staff; and
7. Does related work.
Specific Functions:
A. Supervision
Under direct supervision of the Director of IAS.
B. Risk Assessment and Audit Prioritization
1. Reviews and endorses for approval the preliminary understanding and evaluation report of the auditee’s risk assessment and management processes;
2. Reviews and endorses for approval the individual internal audit risk assessment reports prior to the conduct of audit;
3. Leads in the conduct of the individual auditee-level and Department-wide baseline assessment of internal control system (BAICS);
4. Does the final review of the baseline assessment report (BAR); and
5. Drafts or endorses the proposed Strategic Internal Audit Plan and Annual Work Plan for the approval of the Director.
C. Audit Engagement Planning/Work Program Preparation
1.Reviews and recommends for final approval to the Director, individual audit plans involving simple to complex auditable units; and
2. Reviews proposed audit work program for the approval of the Director.
D. Audit Execution
1. Distributes and clarifies work assignment of the members of the audit team;
2. Approves drafted minutes of meetings of the audit team for accuracy and completeness;
3. Performs simple to complex audit work or procedures;
4. Approves, for final endorsement, audit recommendations based on audit work or procedures performed by the audit team under supervision; and
5. Discusses draft audit report with the auditee.
E. Communication and Reporting
Endorses to the Director, the final draft/consolidated audit reports.
F. Follow-up Audit
Endorses to the Director, the acceptance of reported compliance to audit recommendations.
G. General
Performs other related works that may be assigned by the Director.
Job Outputs:
1. Preliminary Survey Report;
2. Baseline Assessment Report;
3. Audit programs;
4. Work programs;
5. Draft audit report;
6. Audit work papers; and
7. Compliance to Audit Recommendations Assessment Terminal Report.
● Education (E) 25%
● Training (T) 10%
● Experience (E) 25%
● Written Examination
IQT 5%
Special Exam 20%
● Interview 10%
● IPCR or any related Performance Review 5%
Total 100%
Initial Shortlisting:
Obtain 80% or 48 points of the maximum total score of Education, Training and Experience (ETE)
Final Shortlisting:
Top five (5) or less highest rating but overall rating should not be less than 85%
Qualified applicants should apply online at www.dswd.gov.ph on or before July 19, 2024:
Kindly fill out the Job Application Form and upload your complete requirements in a combined Portable Document Format (PDF) not exceeding 100 MB through this link https://forms.gle/9fxHeDp7RH3ygiJRA.
1.Application Letter stating the desired position, item number/code, and office/bureau/service/unit addressed to Director Jennifer M. Rizo, Director IV of Human Resource Management and Development Service;
2. Duly accomplished, subscribed and sworn/notarized Personal Data Sheet (PDS)[3] with a recent passport size picture and thumb mark and Work Experience Sheet.
You may download these forms thru https://csc.gov.ph/downloads/category/223-csc-form-212-revised-2017-personal-data-sheet;
3. Authenticated or Photocopy of Certificate of Grades for Master’s Degree earned units, as may be necessary;
4. Authenticated or Photocopy of Transcript of Record and/or Diploma;
5. Certificate/s of relevant trainings and seminars attended;
6. Certificate/s of Employment (COE);
Note: For internal applicants except Contract of Service (COS) workers, COE is no longer required.
For DSWD COS workers and external applicants from private sectors, COE signed by the Human Resource Management Officer or authorized representative is required.
7. Copy of Special Order or Certification indicating the supervisory/management experience/functions signed by the HRMO or any authorized representative (for Division Chief positions only/if applicable)
8. Valid NBI/Police Clearance or proof of payment i.e. official receipt of the NBI/Police clearance;
9.Authenticated or photocopy of Civil Service Eligibility and/or Valid PRC ID/Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) ID/proof of payment or schedule of appointment for the PRC/IBP renewal license; and
10. Performance Rating in the last rating period or its equivalent, as may be applicable (For those applicants from the public sector vying for promotion, a performance rating is required).
Internal (including COS workers) and external applicants from the public sector: Latest and duly approved Individual Performance Contract Rating (IPCR).External applicants from private sectors: Certificate of Performance Rating from the latest employer. You may access the form through this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t9EyqTanPZBLfjQ9W5AKsNqfFg2ewAXG/view?usp=drive_link
IMPORTANT REMINDERS: All vacant positions shall be open to all qualified applicants regardless of age, gender, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, social status, class, political affiliation, or other similar factors/personal circumstances which run counter to the principles of merit and fitness for the job and equal employment opportunity. Files should be in a PDF and must not be compressed into archive file formats such as RAR or ZIP. If applying for multiple positions, submit a separate set for each. Requests for extension of submission and application with incomplete documents will not be entertained. All communications pertaining to your application will be sent via email.
**STEP BY STEP GUIDE IN APPLYING FOR DSWD JOB VACANCIES: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1snhMP3j3NSDIxblCg0wDNyUmoDAlucqY/view?usp=share_link
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please fill out the Job Application Form and upload your complete requirements through this link https://forms.gle/9fxHeDp7RH3ygiJRA. For strict compliance.
1] Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. (CSC MC)14, Series of 2018 states the following provisions in order to consider the education relevant to the position:
· Rule VIII, Part II, Sec. 47 states that Certification issued by CHED that a one-year diploma postgraduate course acquired from foreign or local institutions is equivalent to a master’s degree shall be considered appropriate for meeting the education requirement for appointment to division chief and executive/managerial position.
· Rule VIII, Part II, Sec. 48 states that Certification issued by CHED that a degree obtained from foreign schools is equivalent to a bachelor’s or master’s degree shall be considered valid document for meeting the education requirement for positions requiring completion of a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
[2] Rule VIII, Part II, Sec. 53 of CSC MC 14, S. 2018
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