Fergana, Uzbekistan
11 days ago
Plant Manager, Fergana, Uzbekistan

At Air Products, our purpose is to bring people together to reimagine what’s possible, collaborate and innovate solutions to the world’s most significant energy and environmental sustainability challenges. Grow with us as we embark on building tomorrow together by being the safest, most diverse and most profitable industrial gas company in the world. 

Reimagine What’s Possible 

Air Productsda bizning oliy maqsadimiz dunyodagi eng muhim energiya va atrof-muhit barqarorligi muammolariga innovatsion yechimlarni taklif qilish uchun insonarni birlashtirish, bo’lishi mumkin bo’lgan narsalarni qayta tasavvur qilish va hamkorlik qilishdir.

Dunyodagi eng xavfsiz, eng xilma-xil va eng daromadli sanoat gaz kompaniyasi bo'lish orqali ertangi kunni birgalikda qurishga kirishar ekanmiz, biz bilan birga rivojlaning.

Imkoniyati bor bo'lgan narsalarni qayta tasavvur qiling

Reimagine What’s Possible 

#reimaginewhatspossible #belongandmatter #generatingacleanerfuture



For more information, visit www.airproducts.com or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and our

Uzbek Career Centre

We are looking for a Plant Manager for a Hydrogen Production Unit in the Fergana Region, Uzbekistan.

If you are interested in the role, please apply here and provide your CV in English.

As our Plant Manager, you will 

Manage and have full ownership of the Hydrogen Production Plant in the Fergana Region. Provide leadership and ensure that specific operating practices (standards, regulatory requirements, work practices, work process and procedures etc.) are implemented, understood, and considered by the operations team. Focus on delivery of the operational KPIs, such as EHS, Reliability/Onstream, Efficiency, Cost Control, Quality QA/QC, Customer Service & MaintenanceLead a team of 30+ members, looking at where the plant team can be developed to ensure suitable responsiveness and achieve the excellent onstream value.Be in close cooperation with the disciplines of the CECA (Central Europe/Central Asia) organisation of Air Products.Safety and EH&S leadership is the basis to be successful, support from the country EH&S team will be provided.Deal with customers – day to day operational issues (safety, plant maintenance, reports etc.) Deal with authorities and other third parties - works inspections, environmental authority, accident insurance, technical inspections, community administration, property insurance, contractors, and suppliers. Have the stand-by and "on-call" duties.

As the Plant Manager, you already are or have

Fluency in both English and Russian or Uzbek (required).Engineering degree (Chemical or Technical).Previous experience (preferably 10 or more years) in a leadership role running operating facilities in the chemical, steel making or petrochemical industry (SMR - steam methane reforming experience is an advantage).Able to demonstrate work in the matrix organization, across functional and reporting relationships. Able to demonstrate the leadership of multi-function teams - being an inspirational leader. Able to understand commercial contracts and understand operational impacts. Strong safety attitude.Strategical planning and understanding Good communication and influential skillsExperience in customer facing situationsPC literacy (Microsoft Windows) Driving license 

We are the world’s largest hydrogen producer with over 80 years of industrial gas experience. We are hydrogen and industrial gas experts delivering safe, end-to-end solutions, investing in real, clean energy projects at scale, and driving the industry forward to generate a cleaner future. 

At Air Products, we work in an environment where we put safety first, diversity is essential, inclusion is our culture, and each person knows they belong and matter. To learn more, visit About Air Products.

Biz 80 yildan ortiq sanoat gaz tajribasiga ega dunyodagi eng yirik vodorod ishlab chiqaruvchimiz. Biz vodorod va sanoat gazi bo'yicha mutaxassislarmiz, xavfsiz, boshidan oxirigacha yechimlarni yetkazib beramiz, keng miqyosda haqiqiy, toza energiya loyihalariga sarmoya kiritamiz va sanoatni toza kelajak yaratish uchun oldinga siljitmoqdamiz.

Air Products - da biz xavfsizlikni birinchi o'ringa qo'yadigan muhitda ishlaymiz, bizda xilma-xillik muhim, inklyuzivlik bizning madaniyatimiz va har bir inson Kompaniyga tegishishliligini va muhimligini biladi. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun - Air Products haqida -ga tashrif buyuring.

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