The successful candidate will be working broadly in quantum information theory, which includes (but is not limited to): quantum computing (algorithms, error correction), quantum learning, theory/tomography, and quantum Shannon theory.
Potential research topics include:
• The impacts and limitations of (non-Markovian) noise on near-term quantum computing, including noise-resilient circuits, error suppression (e.g., dynamical decoupling), and error mitigation.
• Policies for entanglement distribution in quantum communication and distributed quantum computing networks with quantum repeaters.
• The role of adaptivity and non-Markovianity in finite-sample quantum hypothesis testing and quantum metrology.
The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to interact and collaborate with the growing and vibrant quantum information science community at Virginia Tech, including members of the Computer Science department, the VTQ Center for Quantum Information Science and Engineering, and the new quantum center at the Innovation Campus in Northern Virginia.