Job Duties:Provides direct services to customers. Interacts with and represents the CBHL to media, other bioethics centers nationally, other University units, as well as faculty, staff students. Establishes uniform correspondence procedures practices. Oversees internal external communications marketing, including email and web presence, is responsible for responding to inquiries directly referring other inquires to the appropriate personnel.Prepares monthly annual budget reports. Oversees multiple types of accounts. Responsible for monitoring monthly expenses, overall budgets, internal reporting.Serves as staff liaison to the Health Sciences for all ethics activities, including organization of ethics education activities. Supervises staff scheduling of clinical ethics training sessions courses.Serves as staff liaison to relevant Schools in which CBHL-administered degrees and credentials are offered. Supervises staff managing day-to-day curricular and student-related activities of degree credential programs.Responsible for all organizational and budgetary components of CBHL continuing education activities, including oversight of scheduling organization of events. Oversees event marketing promotion.Responsible for applications to the CCEHS and other accreditation bodies to obtain continuing education credits for all sponsored programs.
Administrative Support: · Identifies administrative organizational priorities · Provides administrative support to the CBHL Director · Oversees supervises one staff member· Develops processes procedures to ensure smooth operation · Assists in the development of program schedules, meetings, agendas, visitor schedules · Attends program administrative meetings with and on behalf of the CBHL Director
Budgeting: · Prepares annual CBHL budget in consultation with the Director · Executes budgetary priorities · Monitors budget levels, analyzes expenditures, validates invoices for payment for CBHL accounts · Prepares monthly budget level report reviews with Director monthly · Initiates transfers with other departments · Monitors processes other budgetary items · Reconciles Tcard expenses approves expense reports · Processes year end expenses monitors year end budget
Payroll: · Reviewing approving weekly timecards · Hiring oversight of staff, including serving as the primary CBHL contact with Pitt HR senior staff of the Health Sciences · Scheduling, monitoring, timely submission of annual performance reviews with the Director.
Marketing: · Assists the Director in marketing programs events. · Requests collects information for the CBHL annual report. · Drafts the annual report of the CBHL works with the Director in preparing distributing the final annual report.
Supervision: · Supervises one staff member · Supervises staff managing degree credential programs, continuing education, clinical ethics education
Additional Administrative tasks and skills: · Composes correspondence on behalf of the Director the CBHL · Distributes regular communications to CBHL faculty, affiliates, students · Serves as the CBHL staff liaison with the School of Law · Monitors the CBHL monthly tickler system. · Must be able to multitask prioritize assignments · Must communicate effectively orally in writing. · Must exercise sound judgment have good organizational skills.
Performs all administrative and operational functions of a program. Coordinates all program events and personnel and provides services directly to customers. Develops and implements program policies and procedures. Performs budgetary functions and oversees media communications, website updates, and newsletters.
Performs all administrative and operational functions of a program. Coordinates all program events and personnel and provides services directly to customers. Develops and implements program policies and procedures. Performs budgetary functions and oversees media communications, website updates, and newsletters.
The incumbent for this position will perform all administrative and operational functions including budgetary responsibilities for the CBHL, including its degree and continuing education programs; assist Director with administrative tasks; supervise one staff member; develop and implement policies and procedures; and oversee the day-to-day operations of the CBHL.
Level of Autonomy: Exercises discretion and independent judgment in significant matters. Consults with CBHL Director, but initiates and executes management tasks and fiscal responsibilities, and initiates internal and external communications.
Complexity, Accountability and Scope: Advanced problem solving skills are required. Knowledge of University policies and procedures is required.
Management Responsibilities: Supervision of one staff member on a daily basis is required. Assists this staff member with various tasks when needed, including expense reporting, event budgeting, and other related tasks.
Amount of Supervision Received by the Employee: Requires minimal supervision; most work is expected to be done autonomously. Consults with the CBHL Director, but initiates and executes most responsibilities with substantial independence.