Tokyo, JP
10 days ago
Program Manager, JP Operation Sustainability , JP Ops Sustainability
JP Ops Sustainability is looking for an experienced program manager. As the Sustainability Program manager, you will have an exciting opportunity to shape and deliver on company-across strategy to help the internal and external customers accelerate their sustainability transformations, drive the right technology solutions. You deeply investigate and foresee our customer's business and technical challenges and form innovative ideas to solve them. You influence stakeholders and leaderships to follow with data and customer advocacy. You will establish Carbon emission reduction roadmap to meet the Net Zero Carbon goal by 2040 and launch new programs and projects to meet this goal.
This role is to build the comprehensive strategy across functions through collaboration with WW Operation sustainability, PR, and Public Policy. End-to-End Infrastructure development opportunity identification, Product development with OEM partners, Innovative business models and financial mechanism. Promote total Net Zero Carbon by leveraging Initiative on Infrastructure, Building as a concrete CI reduction strategy. Improve resource efficiency by consolidating the common measures of infrastructures.
The right candidate will be a passionate manager, have broad and deep experience with sustainability initiatives in multiple industries, and demonstrated go-to-market success. Sustainability is a broad domain, but general level knowledge plus expert knowledge in at least one specific sustainability domain is required. They will have a proven track record of leading complex solutions programs. They will also have working-knowledge and the related sustainability regulations and initiatives.

JP Ops Sustainability is looking for an experienced program manager. As the Sustainability Program manager, you will have an exciting opportunity to shape and deliver on company-across strategy to help the internal and external customers accelerate their sustainability transformations, drive the right technology solutions. You deeply investigate and foresee our customer's business and technical challenges and form innovative ideas to solve them. You influence stakeholders and leaderships to follow with data and customer advocacy. You will establish Carbon emission reduction roadmap to meet the Net Zero Carbon goal by 2040 and launch new programs and projects to meet this goal.
This role is to build the comprehensive strategy across functions through collaboration with WW Operation sustainability, PR, and Public Policy. End-to-End Infrastructure development opportunity identification, Product development with OEM partners, Innovative business models and financial mechanism. Promote total Net Zero Carbon by leveraging Initiative on Infrastructure, Building as a concrete CI reduction strategy. Improve resource efficiency by consolidating the common measures of infrastructures.
The right candidate will be a passionate manager, have broad and deep experience with sustainability initiatives in multiple industries, and demonstrated go-to-market success. Sustainability is a broad domain, but general level knowledge plus expert knowledge in at least one specific sustainability domain is required. They will have a proven track record of leading complex solutions programs. They will also have working-knowledge and the related sustainability regulations and initiatives.
JP Ops Sustainabilityでは経験豊富なプログラムマネージャーを募集しています。社内外のお客様のサステナビリティ変革の加速を支援し、適切なテクノロジーソリューションを推進するために、全社横断的な戦略を策定し、実現するエキサイティングな機会を得ることができます。お客様のビジネス上・技術上の課題を深く調査・予見し、それを解決するための革新的なアイデアを形にします。 DataとVoice of Customersに基づき、ステークホルダーとリーダーシップに影響を与えます。
WWオペレーション・サステナビリティ・PR・公共政策との協働を通じて、建物屋内外で部門を横断する包括的な戦略を構築する役割。パートナー企業との電力消費を抑制することが可能な製品開発、 WW(Procurement)革新的なビジネスモデルと金融メカニズムに注力。具体的なCI削減戦略として、炭素代替エネルギーを含むインフラ構築、建築物に関するイニシアチブを活用し、総合的なネット・ゼロ・カーボンを推進する。 インフラの共通対策を統合することにより、資源効率を向上させます。
期待される能力として 複数の業界におけるサステナビリティ・イニシアチブの幅広く深い経験を持ち、市場開拓に成功した実績を持つこと。サステナビリティは広範な領域ですが、一般レベルの知識に加え、少なくとも1つの特定のサステナビリティ領域における専門知識が求められる。複雑なソリューション・プログラムをリードしてきた実績があること。また、関連するサステナビリティ規制やイニシアチブに関する実務知識も必要となる。

Key job responsibilities
Be responsible for building a roadmap with a critical path, project management, project planning, financial analysis, risk management, and stakeholder management to create a robust and sustainable infrastructure for carbon free operation.
You will collaborate with stakeholders and suppliers to implement the best scalable solutions for Net-carbon-free operation to support our Climate Pledge mission.
You will be responsible for project management and provide clear and timely reporting of key performance metrics to internal and external stakeholders.
Build internal capability to perform carbon footprint assessments of new and existing products from end-to-end, including material supply chain, production, distribution, use and end of life phases, and establish mechanisms to institutionalize carbon reduction efforts across the organization.

Develop plans to reduce CO2e in the product portfolio and build cost / benefit analysis into product approval mechanisms.

Collaborate with WW Ops Sustainability experts to build expertise incorporate CO2e-concious design, and execution capabilities into business decision making processes. - Liaise with business teams to suit the business needs and to enhance customer experience.

Understand the impact of Scope 3 materials/ systems in Amazon Ops buildings.





WW Ops サステナビリティの専門家と協力して、運用全体にわたる専門知識を構築し、CO2e を意識した設計と実行能力をビジネスの意思決定プロセスに組み込みます。 - ビジネス ニーズに合わせて顧客エクスペリエンスを向上させるために、ビジネス チームと連携します。







A day in the life
Ops Sustainability members come into the office two or three days a week to encourage communications among team members. We believe that embracing diversity and fostering a culture of respect is a key to building a strong team, which is necessary to deliver high-performance within Amazon. Team members respect each other and welcome open and honest discussion to move towards the goals (Net Zero Carbon by 2040, 50% reduction of carbon intensity by 2030, and Customer experience improvement with promoting sustainability).

About the team
The mission of Ops Sustainability is to delight customers on sustainable operation by new technologies and innovations that reduce waste, and carbon emissions associated with end-to-end operation operations and third-party partners.

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