Skopje, MKD
4 days ago
Project Engineer
It’s not just about your career or job title… It’s about who you are and the impact you will make on the world. Because whether it’s for each other or our customers, we put People First. When our people come together, we Expand the Possible and continuously look for ways to improve what we create and how we do it. If you are constantly striving to grow, you’re in good company. We are revolutionizing the way the world moves for future generations, and we want someone who is ready to move with us. MK: **За позицијата:** Планира, координира, контролира и го надгледува проектот во цел обем, внимавајќи на времето и ресурсите, како и квалитетот во согласност со барањата. **Главни одговорности** **:** + Планира, координира и контролира во обемот на проектот. + Го подготовува и надгледува проектот, како и обезбедува ефективан контрола за да се запази договорениот датум. + Да се имплементира проектот во согласност со сите компаниски процедури. + Одговорен за квалитетот на пороцесите на производство и производите. + Дава можни решенија и го известува менаџментот за евентуални проблеми кои можат да влијаат на успешно завршување на проектот. + Соработка со сите оддели и сектори како би ги утврдил сите барања кои се однеусваат на процедурите на проектот. + Комуникација со колеги од различно хиерархиско ниво и различни држави. + Ги извршува задачите во согласност со ISO 9001 системот за квалитет на документација (Прирачник за квалитет, процедури и инстркуции) + Дополнителни задачи по потреба. **Квалификации:** Минимални барања: Машински инженер или срдоно образование. Познавање на Македонски јазик – задолжително. Познавање на Англиски јазик – задолжително. Предност - најмалку 1 година слично работно искуство. *Само кандидатите кои ќе влезат во потесен избор ќе бидат контактирани за интервју. **Со поднесување на Вашата апликација за вработување (CV), потврдувате дека сте согласни Вашите лични податоци да бидат чувани во база и обработувани за намена за сегашно или идно вработување од страна на ВАБТЕК МЗТ АД Скопје или од трето лице ангажирано за таа цел согласно Закон. Доколку не сте согласни, Ве молиме тоа да го наведете во апликацијата. EN: **Position Summary** : Plan, coordinate, control and monitor project scope, timing, resources and quality while managing competing demands. **Major Responsibilities:** + Planning, coordination, controlling and monitoring project scope, timing, resources and quality + Preparing and monitoring the project program, as well as providing effective controls to achieve agreed key date + Тhe project to be implemented in accordance with all relevant company procedures + Responsible for the quality of production processes and products + Resolving or attracting the attention of company management to any problems that may affect the successful completion of the project + Working with all departments and other departments to determine requirements for all project-specific procedures + Communicate with colleagues from different level of authorities and different countries + Performs tasks in accordance with ISO 9001 quality system documentation (Quality Manual, Procedures and Instructions) + Other tasks as per requirements. **Qualifications:** **Minimum Requirements:** Graduated mechanical engineer or related education; Macedonian language is a must. High proficiency in spoken and written English. **Advantage** – min 1 year related work experience. *Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview **By submitting your application (CV), you confirm that you agree with your personal data being kept and processed for the purpose of present or future employment by WABTEC MZT AD Skopje or a third party engaged for that purpose in accordance with the Law. If you do not agree, please state this in the application. **Who are we?** Wabtec Corporation is a leading global provider of equipment, systems, digital solutions, and value-added services for freight and transit rail as well as the mining, marine, and industrial markets. Drawing on nearly four centuries of collective experience across Wabtec, GE Transportation, and Faiveley Transport, the company has grown to become One Wabtec, with unmatched digital expertise, technological innovation, and world-class manufacturing and services, enabling the digital-rail-and-transit ecosystems. Wabtec is focused on performance that drives progress and unlocks our customers’ potential by delivering innovative and lasting transportation solutions that move and improve the world. We are lifelong learners obsessed with making things better to drive exceptional results. Wabtec has approximately 27K employees in facilities throughout the world. Visit our website to learn more! **Our Commitment to Embrace Diversity:** Wabtec is a global company that invests not just in our products, but also our people by embracing diversity and inclusion. We care about our relationships with our employees and take pride in celebrating the variety of experiences, expertise, and backgrounds that bring us together. At Wabtec, we aspire to create a place where we all belong and where diversity is welcomed and appreciated. To fulfill that commitment, we rely on a culture of leadership, diversity, and inclusion. We aim to employ the world’s brightest minds to help us create a limitless source of ideas and opportunities. We have created a space where everyone is given the opportunity to contribute based on their individual experiences and perspectives and recognize that these differences and diverse perspectives make us better. We believe in hiring talented people of varied backgrounds, experiences, and styles… People like you! Wabtec Corporation is committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity or expression, or protected Veteran status. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please let us know.
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