Location: Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
The Project Manager will lead innovative product development and integration of new technologies on existing products. It is desired a good technical knowledge of aviation technology, the ability to develop detailed plans to guide activities and track progress, to communicate with clients and stakeholders and cooperate with the production team for optimal use of manufacturing capacities.
Job responsibilities
• assist in the definition of project scope and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders and ensuring technical feasibility
• develop a detailed project plan to monitor and track progress
• manage changes to the project scope, project schedule and project costs using appropriate verification techniques
• measure project performance using appropriate tools and techniques
• manage the relationship with the client and all stakeholders
• perform risk management to minimize project risks
• use and continually develop leadership skills
• attend conferences and training as required to maintain proficiency
• develop spreadsheets, diagrams and process maps to document needs
• coordinate with Department Leaders to secure resources
• perform other related duties as assigned
What do we expect from the candidate?
• graduate degree in engineering, mathematics or a science is mandatory, preferred master’s degree or above
• professional accreditation in project management is preferred, i.e. PMP
• minimum 5 years of engineering experience
• mastery of Microsoft Excel
• fluency in written and spoken English, preferential will be the additional knowledge of Italian and Slovenian
What do we offer?
• Long-term involvement in the company, with a probationary period
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information and professional training resources
• Dynamic and interesting teamwork
• A great team of colleagues and the opportunity to work in an evolving environment
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information and professional training resources
• Opportunity for personal and professional development
Location: Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
The Project Manager will lead innovative product development and integration of new technologies on existing products. It is desired a good technical knowledge of aviation technology, the ability to develop detailed plans to guide activities and track progress, to communicate with clients and stakeholders and cooperate with the production team for optimal use of manufacturing capacities.
Job responsibilities
• assist in the definition of project scope and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders and ensuring technical feasibility
• develop a detailed project plan to monitor and track progress
• manage changes to the project scope, project schedule and project costs using appropriate verification techniques
• measure project performance using appropriate tools and techniques
• manage the relationship with the client and all stakeholders
• perform risk management to minimize project risks
• use and continually develop leadership skills
• attend conferences and training as required to maintain proficiency
• develop spreadsheets, diagrams and process maps to document needs
• coordinate with Department Leaders to secure resources
• perform other related duties as assigned
What do we expect from the candidate?
• graduate degree in engineering, mathematics or a science is mandatory, preferred master’s degree or above
• professional accreditation in project management is preferred, i.e. PMP
• minimum 5 years of engineering experience
• mastery of Microsoft Excel
• fluency in written and spoken English, preferential will be the additional knowledge of Italian and Slovenian
What do we offer?
• Long-term involvement in the company, with a probationary period
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information and professional training resources
• Dynamic and interesting teamwork
• A great team of colleagues and the opportunity to work in an evolving environment
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information and professional training resources
• Opportunity for personal and professional development
Lokacija: Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
Vodja projektov bo imel možnost voditi razvoj inovativnih produktov in integracijo novih tehnologij na obstoječih modelih. Zaželjeno je dobro poznavanje letalske tehnologije, sposobnost pripravljanja podrobnih načrtov za vodenje aktivnosti in sledenje napredka, komuniciranje z naročniki in zainteresiranimi strankami in tesno sodelovanje s proizvodnjo za optimalno uporabo proizvodnih kapacitet.
Delovne obveznosti
• pomoč pri opredelitvi obsega in ciljev projekta, vključevanje vseh ustreznih zainteresiranih strani in zagotavljanje tehnične izvedljivosti.
• priprava podrobnega načrta projekta za spremljanje in sledenje napredku
• upravljanje sprememb obsega projekta, časovnega načrta projekta in stroškov projekta z uporabo ustreznih tehnik preverjanja
• merjenje uspešnosti projekta z uporabo ustreznih orodij in tehnik
• upravljanje odnosov z naročnikom in vsemi zainteresiranimi stranmi
• upravljanje tveganj za zmanjšanje projektnih tveganj
• uporaba in nenehno razvijanje vodstvene sposobnosti
• po potrebi udeležba na konferencah in usposabljanje za ohranjanje strokovnosti
• priprava preglednic, diagramov in procesov za dokumentiranje potreb
• usklajevanje z vodji oddelkov za zagotavljanje virov
• druge povezane naloge, kot so bile dodeljene
Kaj pričakujemo od kandidata/kandidatke?
• obvezna je visokošolska izobrazba s področja inženirstva, matematike ali naravoslovja, zaželena je magistrska izobrazba ali višja
• zaželena je strokovna akreditacija na področju vodenja projektov, npr. PMP
• najmanj 5 let inženirskih izkušenj
• obvladanje programa Microsoft Excel
• tekoče pisno in govorno znanje angleščine, znanje italijaniščine je dodatna prednost
Kaj ponujamo?
• Dolgoročno sodelovanje v podjetju
• Prilagodljiv delovni čas
• Dinamično in zanimivo timsko delo v mladem kolektivu
• Delo v kreativnem in ambiciozno naravnanem mednarodnem podjetju
• Dostop do edinstvenega znanja, informacij na področju letalstva, stroke ter sredstva za strokovno usposabljanje
• Možnost osebnega in strokovnega razvoja