Project Officer
Mb Solutions, Inc.
Lexington, KY, USA | Full Time
Project Officer
2.1.1 The contractor 'PM-ES Project Officer' position's pri m ary role is to provide acquisition and program management support to PEO SOFSA PM-ES and its associated custo m ers in the development and execution of assigned projects and/or programs . The PM-ES contractor 'Project Officer' shall facilitate the production, submission, and execution of SOFSA requirements packages, to include but not limited to: (a) Statements of Objectives (SOO), (b) Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans (QASP), (c) DD Form 254s , (d) Cost Estimates, (e) Contractive Officer Representative (COR) Packages, (f) Inherently Governmental Function Determinations, (g) Non-Personal Services Certifications, (h) Funding Documentation, ( i ) Contract Data Requirements Listings (CDRLs), and (j) other supporting documents as required. The contractor 'Project Officer' will ensure co m p leteness and co m p liance of SOFSA requirements packages with DoD, USSOCOM, and/or co mm ercial regulations, directives, po licies, p r o ce du res, a n d m etrics prior to Government approval . W h ere applicable, t h e contractor 'Project Officer' shall provide ad m inis t rati v e, technical, and financial reco mm endations to t h e SOFSA customers and Government Contracting Office for review to facilitate consideration, possible correction and/ or i m prove m ent .
2.1.2 The contractor 'PM-ES Project Officer' shall anal y ze t h e project status on all assigned acti v e task orders with respect to cost, schedule and perfor m ance, and report concerns to the assigned Government Project Officer and/or Government Program Manager in conjunction with the Government Contracting Office, and when warranted, the Program Support Division (PSD) Chief and Business Management Division (BMD) Chief. The contractor 'PM-ES Project Officer' shall provide weekly reports to t h e assigned Government Project Officers and/or Government Program Managers and Government Contracting Office. Reports will address project progress, and inputs from esti m ates at co m p letion (EACs), and ti m eliness of delivery require m ents. The reports shall also su mm arize production or warehousing difficulties, technical perfor m ance issues, and cost concerns. The contractor 'Project Officer' shall also i d entify any possible i m pacts to project performance and completion.
2.1.3 The contractor 'PM-ES Project Officer' shall attend technical and financial related In-Process Reviews (IPRs), Perfor m ance W o rk Reviews, etc., at Blue Grass S t ation, Lexington, as well as o ff-site locations as required per t aining to assigned projects, when requested by t h e Government Project Officer, and/or Government Program Manager . Off-site location travel shall be approved by the Contracting Officer, COR, or other delegated Government Official prior to travel. The contractor 'PM-ES Project Officer' shall provide After Action Reports (AAR) to the Government Project Officer, and/or Government Program Manager no later than (NLT) 2 business days post IPR/meeting. The contractor 'PM-ES Project Officer' shall regularly m onit o r t h e performing external contractor(s) work perfor m ance to assist the Government in ensuring any proble m s are addressed, projects are progress i ng as p l anned, CDRL de li v er i es are completed, and repor t s are on schedule. The contractor 'PM-ES Project Officer' shall perform technical anal y ses of documents and correspondence relating to t h e assigned projects ( i.e. reviewing CDLRs, m onthly reports, contract packages, requirements packages, funding documents, budget exhibits, quality assurance require m ents, etc.) and initiate actions to assist the Government in ensuring contract require m ents are completed. The contractor 'Project Officer' shall provide reco mm endations via MS Office products ( i.e. MS Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.) .
2.1.4 The contractor ' PM-ES Project Officer' shall work with SOFSA Customers, Gover n m ent staff, and external contractors in a highly professional m anner and provide qu ality assista n ce to t h e PEO-SOFSA staff as re qu ire d .
2.1.5 The contractor ' PM-ES Project Officer' shall serve as the assigned PM-ES program Subject Matter Expert (SME) and attend technical and financial related In-Process Reviews (IPRs), Performance Work Reviews, Program Management Reviews (PMRs) etc., at Blue Grass Station, Lexington, as well as off-site locations as required pertaining to assigned projects, when requested by the SOFSA Customer, Government Project Officer, and/or Government Program Manager. Off-site location travel shall be approved by the Contracting Officer, COR, or other delegated Government Official prior to travel.
PM-ES Contract ' PM-ES Project Officer' Minimum Requirements:
- Bachelor's Degree from an accredited College or University or 8 years relevant functional experience
- 4 years relevant experience as Project Officer, Project Manager, and/or Program Manager
- Working knowledge of DoD Instruction 5000.02
- Working knowledge of DoD Financial Manager Regulations
- Working knowledge of DoD Planning, Programming, Budget, and Execution process
- Demonstrated ability to work effectively as a project team member
- Demonstrated ability to manage multiple projects, priorities, and tasks
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Excellent critical, creative, and analytical skills
- Secret Security Clearance
- Thorough familiarity with MS Office Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Excel
Function at a level of perfor m ance si m ilar to an experienced GS-12/NH-III or equivalent
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