15 days ago
Senior Design Engineer - Thermalhydraulics

Thermal Hydraulics Engineer


Work environment 

Within the ‘Safety and Nuclear Engineering’ department of the Global Business Area NUC of Tractebel Engineering, the CFD & Accident studies Group is in charge, among others, of the following disciplines:

Licensing Studies (SGTR, FWLB,…);  PWR Plant Operation Support; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Analysis of plant behaviour (e.g. Natural Circulation, …); Severe Accidents Studies; PSA Level 2 


You are in charge of performing Licensing Studies; You perform complex thermalhydraulic engineering analysis in the domain of nuclear reactor systems using industry-standard methods and simulation tools (e.g. RELAP5/Mod2, CATHARE or any equivalent recognized software); You defend your work to the Customer and the Safety Authorities; You write technical reports about the studies performed; You work in a team of about 10 engineers, in close interaction with your colleagues.

Qualifications - Internal


You obtained a Master in Nuclear Engineering or a Master in Physics; You have around 3 years in analysing Design Base Accidents (Class III and Class IV) and you are being familiar with international codes and standards; You have knowledge of the nuclear domain; You are able to communicate (write/speak) in English and French or Dutch; You are interested to become a high-level expert in this topic; Knowledge of task automation through scripts (eg: Python) is an asset

Tractebel welcomes candidates from all backgrounds, and actively promotes Diversity in the workforce.


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