71 days ago
Small Parts Assembler/Sestavljalec podsklopov (m/ž) \:\:\:\: Location\: Savogna d'Isonzo, Italy

Location: Savogna d’Isonzo, Pipistrel Italia s.r.l. con socio unico

Small Parts Assembler will process materials and manufacture aircraft parts, assemble aircraft assemblies and sub-assemblies and test their performance. He will participate in all ancillary tasks in the production processes and have contact with certain parts of the production in accordance with company procedures and business procedures.

What will your main scope be?

• Materials processing and aircraft parts manufacturing
• Assembly of aircraft assemblies and sub-assemblies
• Performance testing of assemblies, sub-assemblies, and aircraft parts
• Performing all auxiliary and other tasks in aircraft production processes
• If necessary, replacing colleagues on similar and similarly demanding jobs
• Performing other tasks in accordance with training and instructions

What do we expect from the candidate?

• High school education (IV or V) from technical field
• Manual skills and a sense of how to design and make parts and workpieces
• Knowledge of aviation (desirable)
• Passive knowledge of the English language
• Ability to perform repetitive work
• Ability to work physically
• Relaxed working in a team
• Knowledge of working in the Office environment (basic)

What do we offer?

• Full-time employment with an evaluation period.
• Work in a creative and ambitious international company.
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information and expert training resources.
• A great team of colleagues and the opportunity to work in an innovative environment.
• Funding for professional training (internal and external).
• Opportunity for personal and professional development.


Location: Savogna d’Isonzo, Pipistrel Italia s.r.l. con socio unico

Small Parts Assembler will process materials and manufacture aircraft parts, assemble aircraft assemblies and sub-assemblies and test their performance. He will participate in all ancillary tasks in the production processes and have contact with certain parts of the production in accordance with company procedures and business procedures.

What will your main scope be?

• Materials processing and aircraft parts manufacturing
• Assembly of aircraft assemblies and sub-assemblies
• Performance testing of assemblies, sub-assemblies, and aircraft parts
• Performing all auxiliary and other tasks in aircraft production processes
• If necessary, replacing colleagues on similar and similarly demanding jobs
• Performing other tasks in accordance with training and instructions

What do we expect from the candidate?

• High school education (IV or V) from technical field
• Manual skills and a sense of how to design and make parts and workpieces
• Knowledge of aviation (desirable)
• Passive knowledge of the English language
• Ability to perform repetitive work
• Ability to work physically
• Relaxed working in a team
• Knowledge of working in the Office environment (basic)

What do we offer?

• Full-time employment with an evaluation period.
• Work in a creative and ambitious international company.
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information and expert training resources.
• A great team of colleagues and the opportunity to work in an innovative environment.
• Funding for professional training (internal and external).
• Opportunity for personal and professional development.


Lokacija: Savogna d’Isonzo, Pipistrel Italia s.r.l. con socio unico

Sestavljalec podsklopov bo obdeloval materiale in izdeloval letalske dele, sestavljal sklope in podsklope letal ter preizkušal njihovo delovanje. Sodeloval bo pri vseh pomožnih nalogah v proizvodnih procesih in imel stik z določenimi deli proizvodnje v skladu s postopki podjetja in poslovnimi postopki.

Vaše glavno področje delovanja?

• obdelovanje materialov in izdelovanje letalskih delov
• sestavljanje sklopov in podsklopov letal
• preizkušanje delovanja sklopov, podsklopov in letalskih delov
• opravljanje vseh pomožnih in drugih opravil v procesih proizvodnje letal
• po potrebi nadomeščanje sodelavk in sodelavcev na podobnih in podobno zahtevnih delih
• opravljanje drugih nalog v skladu z usposabljanjem in navodili

Kaj pričakujemo od kandidata/kandidatke?

• vsaj srednješolsko poklicno izobrazbo (IV) ali srednješolsko strokovno izobrazbo (V) tehnične smeri
• ročne spretnosti ter smisel za oblikovanje in izdelavo delov in delovnih priprav
• poznavanje področja letalstva (zaželeno)
• pasivno znanje angleškega jezika
• sposobnost opravljanja ponavljajočega se dela
• sposobnost fizičnega dela
• sposobnost dela v skupini
• znanje dela v Office okolju (osnovno)

Kaj ponujamo?

• zaposlitev za polni delovni čas z ocenjevalnim obdobjem.
• delo v ustvarjalnem in ambicioznem mednarodnem podjetju.
• dostop do edinstvenega znanja, letalskih informacij in strokovnih virov za usposabljanje.
• odlična ekipa kolegov in priložnost za delo v inovativnem okolju.
• sredstva za strokovno usposabljanje (interna in eksterna).
• možnost osebnega in strokovnega razvoja.

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