3 days ago
SOA Developer
Software Development Experience: The SOA API developer must have a solid understanding of software development principles, including good coding practices, object-oriented design and design patterns.
SOA Architecture Knowledge: Must be familiar with the fundamental concepts of service-oriented architecture (SOA), such as the creation of reusable services, interoperability between systems, and the implementation of web services standards (such as SOAP and REST).
Proficiency in Integration Technologies: You should have experience in integration technologies such as ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), middleware and messaging systems to facilitate communication between different applications and services.
API Development Skills: The developer is expected to have experience in designing, developing and maintaining robust and well-documented APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). This includes creating RESTful endpoints, defining service contracts and API version management.
Knowledge of API Security: Must understand security principles related to APIs, including authentication, authorization, data encryption and protection against attacks such as CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) and XSS (Cross-Site Scripting).
Experience using Tools and Frameworks: You should have experience with popular tools and frameworks in API development, such as Swagger/OpenAPI for documentation, Postman for testing and monitoring, and frameworks such as Spring, Apache Camel and Quarkus for service development.
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