Westborough, MA, US
3 days ago
Software Engineer II, Virtual Systems
Are you excited about building high-performance simulations of robotic solutions that can perceive, learn, and act intelligently alongside humans? The Robotics team is creating new products and technologies that make this possible, at scale. The Virtual Systems team is seeking broad, curious engineers to join our diverse, full-stack team. In addition to holistically designing, building, and delivering end-to-end robotic simulation solutions, our team is responsible for the core infrastructure that serves as the backbone of our robotic applications, enabling roboticists, machine learning scientists, and engineers to collaborate and deploy in the lab and in the field. Our work spans real-time and discrete event simulators, machine learning, engineering, big data, containerized infrastructure, and more. In this particular role, you will work closely with both world-leading scientists and product teams across Amazon, playing a pivotal role in translating research into real robotics deployed across our fulfillment network.

Key job responsibilities
- Architect, design, and implement robotic applications for robotic solution simulations.
- Work with stakeholders across hardware, science, and operations teams to iterate on design and implementation.
- Create robust, high-quality, well-tested software to interface with and sensors, actuators, and other hardware.
- Collaborate with machine learning and robotic controls experts to implement and deploy algorithms, such as machine learning models.
- Create simulations to profile, tune, and optimize performance.
- Create re-usable software components to accelerate robotics .
- Maintain high standards by participating in reviews, designing for fault tolerance and operational excellence, and creating mechanisms for continuous improvement.

A day in the life
Amazon offers a full range of benefits that support you and eligible family members, including domestic partners and their children. Benefits can vary by location, the number of regularly scheduled hours you work, length of employment, and job status such as seasonal or temporary employment. The benefits that generally apply to regular, full-time employees include:
1. Medical, Dental, and Vision Coverage
2. Maternity and Parental Leave Options
3. Paid Time Off (PTO)
4. 401(k) Plan

If you are not sure that every qualification on the list above describes you exactly, we'd still love to hear from you! At Amazon, we value people with unique backgrounds, experiences, and skillsets. If you’re passionate about this role and want to make an impact on a global scale, please apply!

About the team
The Amazon Robotics Virtual Systems Team develops distributed, multi-agent, 3 dimensional simulation models and simulation tools for Amazon's global operations. These tools aid in designing and building robotic solutions, offering software, and SDKs for modeling, optimization, and simulation. Our aim is to provide realistic simulations for risk reduction, faster R&D, and stakeholder education. In the future, simulation will play a bigger role in informing technology investments and automated design processes, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency.
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