Zagreb, Croatia
6 days ago
Spremač/ica - Cleaning Maid

At Infobip, we dream big. We value creativity, persistence, and innovation, passionately believing that it is through teamwork that we can all reach greater heights.

Since 2006, we have been innovating at the edge of technological possibilities and are now shaping global communications of the future. Through 75+ offices on six continents, Infobip’s platform is used by almost 80% of the population, making it the largest network of its kind and the only full-stack cloud communication platform globally.

Join us on our mission to create life-changing interactions between humans and online services with new and unseen solutions.

Why is this position important at Infobip?

Employee satisfaction is one of the key factors in our success, which is why we are looking for someone ready to dedicate themselves to the cleanliness and tidiness of our business premises in a way that ensures a pleasant working environment for all colleagues and visitors.

The position we offer has the role of creating a neat, clean, and comfortable environment in both office spaces and accommodation facilities on the campus in Zagreb. To excel in this role, you should have previous experience in similar tasks, demonstrating a high level of professionalism and attention to detail.

As part of the team at the campus in Zagreb, you will have the opportunity to work in a dynamic and pleasant environment with a focus on teamwork and cooperation.

What you'll be doing:

Perform cleaning and tidying tasks in office spaces, residential areas, common building areas, and the corresponding yard.Maintain cleanliness daily by emptying trash bins, vacuuming, wiping floors, dusting tables, work surfaces, and furniture, and clearing cobwebs from walls.Ensure daily cleanliness and hygiene of sanitary facilities.Maintain cleanliness of windows and glass surfaces.

More about you:

Minimum of 1 year of proven experience in similar roles.Adaptability and flexibility, with a readiness to adjust job descriptions as needed.Flexibility, speed, agility, problem-solving orientation.Strong focus on details.Responsibility and promptness in approaching business activities.Professional representation and approach to work, colleagues, and visitors.Teamwork capability.Good communication skills.

U Infobipu sanjamo veliko. Prošle je godine više od polovice svjetskog stanovništva komuniciralo s tvrtkama putem Infobipove platforme. To se nije dogodilo slučajno: kroz više od 60 ureda na 6 kontinenata uistinu smo posvećeni pomaganju našim klijentima (njih preko 200 000) da dosegnu i angažiraju mobilne korisnike. Pridružite nam se u kontinuiranom uspjehu Infobipa stvarajući proizvode koje naši korisnici vole.

Zašto je ova pozicija važna u Infobipu?

Briga za zadovoljstvo zaposlenika je jedan od ključnih faktora našeg uspjeha i zato smo u potrazi za osobom koja je spremna posvetiti se čistoći i urednosti naših poslovnih prostora na način koji će osigurati ugodno radno okruženje za sve kolege i posjetitelje.

Pozicija koju nudimo ima ulogu kreirati uredno, čisto i ugodno okruženje kako u uredskim prostorima tako i u smještajnim kapacitetima na kampusu u Zagrebu. Da biste se dobro snašli u ovoj ulozi, trebali biste imati prethodno iskustvo u istim ili sličnim poslovima te pokazati visoku razinu profesionalizma i posvećenosti detaljima.

Kao dio tima zaposlenika u kampusu u Zagrebu imat ćete priliku raditi u dinamičnom i ugodnom okruženju s naglaskom na timski rad i kooperativnost.

Što ćeš raditi:

Obavljati poslove čišćenja i pospremanja uredskih prostorija, stambenih prostora, zajedničkih dijelova zgrade i pripadajućeg dvorišta.Svakodnevno održavati čistoću pražnjenjem košara, usisavanjem, brisanjem podova, prašine sa stolova, radnih ploha i namještaja, čišćenjem paučine sa zidova.Svakodnevno održavati čistoću i higijenu sanitarnoga čvora.Održavati čistoću prozora i staklenih površina.

Više o tebi:

Minimalno 1 godina dokazanog iskustva na istim ili sličnim poslovima.Prilagodljivost i fleksibilnost te spremnost na promjene opisa posla prema potrebi.Fleksibilnost, brzina, okretnost, orijentiranost na probleme.Izrazito izražen fokus na detalje.Odgovornost i ažurnost u pristupu poslovnim aktivnostima.Reprezentativnost te profesionalan pristup poslu i kolegama/posjetiteljima.Sposobnost timskog rada.Dobre komunikacijske vještine.

Infobip employees are people with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and experiences that share the same passion and talent that helps us achieve our mission. That's why Infobip is committed to creating a diverse workplace and is proud to be an equal-opportunity employer.

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, ancestry, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, national origin, citizenship, disability, veteran status, or any other part of one's identity.

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